
What’s the Worst Thing You Can Say in an Elevator Full of People? Here’s What Folks Said.

RedditElevator What’s the Worst Thing You Can Say in an Elevator Full of People? Here’s What Folks Said.

I don’t like riding in elevators because I got stuck in one that was PACKED with people about 20 years ago and it was terrifying.

So I always take the stairs if possible…

And I guess another good reason to avoid elevators is so you don’t have to deal with the awkward things people say in there.

Check out what AskReddit users had to say about the worst things you can say in an elevator full of people.


“True story: This happened quite a few years ago, I was working for a company and the offices were in a high-rise building.

5:00 pm, we get into the elevator, there’s about 12-15people. Mark sees Marta and says: hello Martha, I haven’t see you in a very long time. When are you due?

Martha: I am not pregnant.

For the entire elevator ride, you could cut the silence with a knife.”

Who’s first?

“We got stuck in a packed elevator in about 100° heat.

After 30 minutes and a panic attack by someone in the back I couldn’t see, I said “so.. I guess we should decide who we’re eating first?”

Real f**kin’ awkward for the next hour until the fire department got us out.”

Oh, boy…

“True story, my mom and dad were in a crowded elevator while my mom was very obviously pregnant to the point of bursting.

I guess she looks at my dad and says, “When are you going to tell your wife about me?”

My parents are happily married; she was just pranking him. My dad said it was the longest elevator ride of his life.”


“Me and my friend used to tease each other.

Once we were in an elevator and I asked: do you still have lice?

We were left alone right after the next stop.”

Just like a movie.

“Has anyone seen the movie Devil, where people get stuck in an elevator?

And someone goes on a ki**ing spree?”

Hey, doc.

“Pretending to talk on a phone:

“Well, the doctor will let me know as soon as the test results are back if it’s tuberculosis.””

Scaring everyone.

“Hold your phone to your ear and say, “It was working ok with just the one old cable but now I think there’s too much weight for it”.”


“One time I just blurted out “thank you” to the people in the elevator as I was exiting it, for no reason at all.

You’d think this made them wonder what I meant, but it just made me wonder whether it made them wonder, which is worse.”

They know nothing.

“Smile and stare at the wall “relax ….. relax.. Dave…… everything gonna be all right, …they don’t know anything … they can’t hear your thoughts”.”

Let’s get to know each other.

“I once was in an elevator at my dorm in college and it was packed. It was very quiet.

I decided to say, “So, what do you guys want to talk about?”

No one replied. I received d**th stares.

I did not enjoy the continual quiet and uncomfortableness.”

What’s the rest of the story?

“My dad will always say something like “and then he just started sh**ting everywhere” so they are left to wonder what the first half of the story could have possibly been about.”

Looks like things are looking up! Heh…

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