
Why Do You Have More Than Three Kids? People Shared Their Stories.

ARALotOfKids Why Do You Have More Than Three Kids? People Shared Their Stories.

Times have changed and you don’t see a ton of families out there these days with a lot of kids.

Heck, I grew up in a family with five kids and I rarely ever hear of families that big anymore.

But they gotta be out there somewhere!

And these AskReddit users talked about why they have more than three kids.

Check out what they had to say!

Full house.

“My wife and I have two kids together. My sister has two kids.

She decided she’d rather not take care of them. So I’ve had them for the last 10 years.

I’ve been raising 4 kids for the last 10 years even though I only have 2 with my wife.”


“My husband had a son when I met him. I had a daughter. We lived happily together as a family of 4 for 9 years.

Then my brother and his girlfriend had a baby. We took in the baby and I somehow got pregnant. We have his, hers, not ours, and now ours on the way.”


“I’m an aircraft mechanic, my wife has stayed home since the first of our four was born. We bought a house that needed lots of work, and I had an hour long commute for many years to be able to sustain her being home. I did almost all of the remodeling/rebuilding work myself to make the house a beautiful place.

I’ve worked lots of overtime, many times 50 hours was a normal week, but it was 100% worth it. We also went without the extras, like fancy cell phones, back when they were expensive. Tracfone has a $100/year plan for limited talk time, and that savings ads up.

We didn’t have cable, and stuck with dial-up internet because it was $90/month cheaper. We bought inexpensive cars and drove them into the ground, getting about 300,000 miles/10 years out of each.”

Oh, boy…

“Had our first child, easy breezy. We tried for maybe one – two months.

Two years go by, ok we’re ready to try for number 2. Like a year and a half of no luck. Then…. boom, triplets. Identical at that. Doesn’t run in the families, no fertility drugs. Just dumb chance.

4 girls under 4. Please send help when they’re teenagers.”


“Had a tough time conceiving our first because my wife has PCOS.

After our first was born the gynecologist told us to be careful due to a high chance of conceiving.

We were careful for 6 months after, then one night we lost control and 38 weeks later triplets appeared.”

Remember your roots.

“Wife is from farm country.

Way back when, when we were first married, we used to go to church with my mother-in-law. It was a small farming town, everyone generally sat in the same pews every Sunday.

The farm family who sat in the pew in front of us had 18 children (including 3 sets of twins). They would sit in the pew from oldest to youngest, and stretch across the entire church.

We only have 4.”

Love it!

“We love children.

They are wonderful and a ton of work. Some people spend their money on nice cars or vacations. We spent our money on diapers, food, clothing, and education.

Our kids are grown now. They are all very good friends and look after each other. They’re good people and make the world a better place.

Now we have dogs.”

Good and bad.

“We have four. Only one pregnancy was planned, but we were happy about all of them. Husband got the snip after #4.

Babies and little kids are hard physically (i.e. sleepless nights), but teen/adult children are hard mentally. You do your best to teach them right, but then they go off and sometimes make bad decisions where all you can do is watch.

Parenting has stretched me as a person, and I’m so glad to have had all four of my kids, but I won’t lie. Sometimes it is heartbreaking.”

A big turnaround.

“I never wanted kids. My husband wanted one. We had one, then realized we loved him too much to leave him without siblings and no cousins.

Everyone is both our families are over 40 and childfree, so kiddo would be all alone by the time he was 35-40 years old. Popped out two more kids and thought we were done. I finished breastfeeding the last one and had one period, then got pregnant again after a particularly randy whiskey-tasting night. Husband got a vasectomy last month.

We can afford four, no problem, but it was def a shock, considering six years ago I wanted exactly zero. I say this as I watch my almost-4-yo comically trying to eat chicken nuggets with his feet. Kids are wild.”

It’s great!

“I have 5 kids. Why? I’m not sure.

It’s great though. When we had one of them (I think maybe our second), my wife and I stared at her in the hospital and sat in awe of this amazing little thing.

I remember talking with her about how weird it is that so many people would just stop having kids after this. We’ve just never used any form of birth control and figured we’d just see what happened.

Life is crazy. It’s loud, it’s hard, it’s tiring, and you never feel like you’re on top of everything. But everytime I think about the alternative or I look at friends/family with “normal” sized families, I don’t see that we’re missing out on anything. My friends golf and travel a lot more than me, I guess. I wouldn’t give up a single one of these kids for that.

Yesterday on Father’s day, I was sitting down after bbqing a billion ribs and helping kids get their plates together. I had a drink in my hand and one of my guys handed me a plate of angel food cake covered in strawberries. I looked around at the crowd and just couldn’t believe how lucky I was. Life is awesome.

I guess that’s why we have 5 kids.”

Keep breeding, breeders!

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