
‘I about vomited when that show Toddlers and Tiaras was a thing.’ What Is Technically Legal but You Think is Creepy? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Legal But Creepy Things AR I about vomited when that show Toddlers and Tiaras was a thing. What Is Technically Legal but You Think is Creepy? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I’m knocking on wood as I write this, but I PRAY that I never, ever have to go to court or get involved in the legal system.

Because it’s pretty whack!

And there are a lot of things about it that don’t make a whole lot of sense, either.

And that leads us to today’s big question: what’s technically legal but you think is creepy?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts…

Really gross.

“There is a whole problem of parents pimping out their children for views and it’s completely legal.

There was a parent who dressed her 12 year old up in sexual clothing and in s**ually explicit positions and had a Patreon where men would subscribe to see these photos.

But you had to be 18+ to enter to see this 12 year old. It’s completely legal, just icky in every way.”


“Minors getting married.

“Between 2000 and 2018, nearly 232,474 minors were legally married in the United States.[13] The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man.[13][14][15] In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of s**ual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state.[16] In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic v**lence shelters typically do not accept minors.””

Imagine that…

“Being able to blatantly lie to voters, get elected to Congress, and suffer zero repercussions.”


“Child beauty pageants.

I about vomited when that show Toddlers and Tiaras was a thing.

That was awfully off-putting. Not to mention, the lifelong effects it’s going to have on the children.”


““Compensated dating”.

Teenage girls, mainly high school students, will get paid to hang out with gross old men.”


“In my country nec**philia is not illegal yet. Last month a motion passed to make it so.

Read that a few weeks ago and was really surprised that it was not punishable by law. I live in a rich first world country by the way where we have (too) many rules and laws in place to a degree it can be suffocating sometimes.

But s** with dead bodies is still kinda ok somehow. Glad to see that change.”


“The disgusting amount of personal data that apps, tech companies, and ISPs are allowed to harvest.

Particularly the data of minors.”

That sucks.

“Predatory towing.

My partner recently got his car just straight up stolen. It was absolutely legally parked so he tried to fight it in court.

Turns out the “court” was just people who worked for the tow yard and they basically said f**k you if we say it was illegally parked it was.

By the time the “hearing” took place a whole week had passed and it wasn’t worth it to get it out as they charge by the day. So insane. Tow yards are so predatory and arguably doing very illegal s**t.”


“The environmental exemptions and allowances given to various industrial sites such as Smelters.

eg: you’re only allowed to dump x amount of toxic waste into this watershed, You’re only allowed to spew xx amount of toxic carcinogens into a town’s air supply etc etc etc.”

Still getting away with it.

“In the US, there is little control over how much money can be spent on a political campaign, nor where it comes from.

And every bit of legislation purported to curtail shenanigans has been engineered with a loophole.”


“”Family” content creators on youtube.

It’s cringe, i often feel like it’s disingenuous, and parents are exploiting their children for money. I know it’s come under fire recently due to it being considered “child labor”, but it’s icky to me. and i always wonder if the kids really want to be on camera all the time.

I know this isn’t the case for all of them, but it just feels wrong to me, to exploit your own children that way.

I think it’s one thing if your kids want to be on camera once in a while or happen to be in view while vlogging, but to have them be the focus all the time just … doesn’t seem okay.

Yeah… all the data that’s collected about us is gonna be something we look back at and wonder how we were okay with that.

But until then… enjoy TikTok! lol

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