
Is He Wrong for Telling His Fiancée He Doesn’t Want to Live in a House He Doesn’t Own? People Responded.

House Gift Prenup AITA 1 Is He Wrong for Telling His Fiancée He Doesn’t Want to Live in a House He Doesn’t Own? People Responded.

Hmmm, this is definitely an unusual situation…

On one hand, a generous wedding gift like a FREAKING HOUSE is pretty nice, but on the other hand, what if it’s only gifted to your new spouse and not you?

Like I said, it’s unusual…

But is this guy an a**hole for how he reacted to the situation?

Take a look at his story and see what you think.

AITA for telling my in future in-laws that it’s not a wedding gift unless it’s given to both people and telling my fiancee I don’t want to live in a house I don’t own?

“My fiancee [27F] and I [29M] grew up very differently. I was an immigrant who moved here when I was 6, and we were definitely struggling a lot. My parents worked extremely hard to provide for me and siblings, and they always prioritized our education over everything.

My dad always told me it was his dream to live in a house that he owned, since we’d always rented, but he couldn’t save up enough since we were renting in expensive areas with good schools. Unfortunately, both of my parents passed away before being able to realize that dream. My dad passed away when I was 17 and my mom passed away almost 3 years ago due to covid.

My fiancee grew up fairly wealthy. Like private schools, designer clothes, 3-4 international vacations per year flying first or business class the whole way. I was able to attend college thanks to student loans, scholarships, and part-time jobs, which delayed my graduation a bit, while her parents were able to fairly easily cover all expenses themselves.

However, I’m the last person to say that my fiancee hasn’t earned everything she’s gotten. She’s an extremely intelligent person, and besides funding her education, her parents are in no way responsible for her accomplishments.

My fiancee and I met 6 years ago when we started working at the same company, in the same position, at the same time, after graduating from college. We hit it off almost instantly and it didn’t take long for us to start dating.

Both of us still work at the company, however I’ve progressed through the career ladder a bit more quickly than she has and now make just over twice what she does. I’ll be the first to admit that this is completely undeserved and I’ve benefitted from a lot of luck and definitely some s**ism as well, since we work in a male-dominated field.

Still, that has allowed me to aggressively attack my student loans, and once they were payed off, I put that into saving up for a down payment on a house as a way to fulfill my parents dreams.

I proposed about 6 months, and things have been great so far. However, this past weekend, we were at her family’s house, when her parents told us that for a wedding present, they were going to give us a house. My fiancee was overjoyed, and although I was also happy, I wanted to know the details as well.

Pretty quickly, her parents told us that the house would be in her name only, and that they expected us to sign a prenup to protect any (and only) pre-marriage assets “just in case”. I was insulted that they thought I was after their money at all since I make more than she does anyway, and I ended up telling them that they can’t call it a wedding present if they only give it to one person.

I then told my fiancee I refused to live in a house that I don’t own, and she knows exactly why.

All three of them got very upset with me.


Here’s what Reddit users said about this.

This person said he’s NTA but he doesn’t think her parents are terrible for doing this.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said he needs to get a lawyer and rethink this future marriage.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said this might have something to do with race and that he needs to get a lawyer involved.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Real talk… the pre nup is out of hand. No parent should be asking for that.

A free house though is a HUGE financial leg up.

Just save all the money you’d be using on renting or buying a home… and go buy a great home in a few years.

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