
‘My adoptive parents say that I have erased them.’ Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Changing Her Middle Name To Her Birth Name

Blank 3 Grids Collage 3 1 My adoptive parents say that I have erased them. Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Changing Her Middle Name To Her Birth Name

Some people get pretty fired up about names.

Yes, names.

And it seems like some people get fired up about OTHER people’s names.

Strange, isn’t it?

So is this woman a jerk for changing her middle name to what her birth name was supposed to be?

Read her story below and see if you think she is acting like an a**hole.

AITA for changing my middle name to what my birth name was supposed to be?

“I was adopted at birth. My adoptive parents and I have a good relationship now, but it was rocky for a few years there.

They didn’t tell me I was adopted and I found out in what I consider the worst way when I was 16: a spiteful relative told me.

Not out for my best interest but they got mad at my mom and was trying to ruin her life. It caused a huge fight within the family and everyone focused on the drama rather than my entire life crumbling.

I finally ended up in therapy at 18 and have been attending on and off for the past 10 years (currently on). I didn’t speak to my parents from the time I was 18 until I was 23. They acted like I was insane for being upset about all this.

Eventually, they apologized and began going to therapy themselves. We’ve slowly rebuilt our relationship. They have since accepted my search for my bio family and upon finding my bio mom, have been amazing with her.

My bio mom was coerced into giving me up. She hadn’t wanted to but her family all but forced her. She had no support. My parents didn’t know this part but purposefully chose a private adoption so I’d never know I was adopted.

My bio mom and I have known each other for 4 years now. She is an amazing, kind and generous woman who is just like me. I spent so long feeling unseen and different. She was like completing a puzzle.

My bio dad d**d when I was 12 and it’s devastating to know I’ll never meet him. He didn’t want to give me up either but they were very young and again, no support.

My bio mom told me she had named me Summer, but my adoptive parents changed it. She understood but I could tell the name meant a lot to her.

I recently got married and am changing my last name. I decided since I’m changing my last name, I’ll change my middle name too. It’s got no sentimental meaning vs Summer, which does to my bio mom as it’s her favorite season and I was born on the first day of summer. My bio mom cried tears of joy when I told her. She is so touched.

My adoptive parents say that I have erased them. I kept my first name that they gave me. They say if I “had to” I should’ve just added Summer to my name.


Here’s what folks had to say about this.

This person said she’s NTA and that she didn’t do anything wrong.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual asked a good question…why do they care?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person said she’s NTA and she did something meaningful.

Photo Credit: Reddit

These adoptive parents need to find some chill. If somebody wants to change ANY name, that’s their business.

Go get a hobby!

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