
What Advice Would You Give to Your 18-Year-Old Self? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.

AR18LifeAdvice What Advice Would You Give to Your 18 Year Old Self? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.

You can’t turn back the clock, folks!

But today we’re gonna pretend that we can…

Because maybe some young folks will read these responses and do things a little bit differently.

You never know!

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

Check out what people had to say.

Just say NO.

“Irish Joe is going to offer you something called bitcoin as payment for an eighth.

You want to say “no” because last time he paid you with gold coins and you’re tired of his leprechaun bulls**t.

Just do it, and no matter how tempted you may be you MUST hold onto them until November 10th 2021. God speed.”

Avoid that job.

“Don’t ever work at Cinnabon.

Also, never stop pushing yourself to be a better person.

But mostly never work at Cinnabon.”

Listen up!

“Brace yourself.

Pay more attention to your physical and mental state. There’s more to life than high grades, achievements, and escapism. Emotional intelligence is underrated, and if you want the right people in your life, you’re gonna need it. Get studying.

Don’t be afraid to choose one or two things to do. You can find opportunities to revisit other hobbies and adjust your choices later. Fail and learn a few times before you change direction.

Please don’t burn yourself alive just to appease your family. Do you really want them to run your life forever? Just because they say they want the best for you doesn’t mean they actually know what’s best.

Do not share your plans unless you absolutely need to. Do not share your goals until you complete them.”

Waste of time.

“Don’t try to fix them.

They’re broken and putting up with it won’t help them if they won’t help themselves.

Live for yourself and you’ll find a good one eventually.”

Snap out of it!

“Put down the bottle, pull up google on your clunky a** old computer, and find a therapist. Your dad just d**d, you need therapy, not binge drinking.

Also, break up with your boyfriend and go out with Steve instead, he’s nicer.

There’s a hell of a lot to be said for genuine kindness, especially since you’re also attracted to the guy.”

Start now.

“Seek mental health therapy now.

Exercise more.

Save money.

Stop drinking.

Learn to love yourself.”

It goes by fast.

“Time is the stuff life is made of. Don’t waste it.

Sure, binge on Netflix or play a video game every once in a while. Just don’t make a habit of it. Make lists of things you want to get done and be good at crossing things off.

And never waste an opportunity to meet someone new or try something new. You never know what or who will become your lifelong passion or friendship.”

Don’t force it.

“Do not be in a hurry to be in a relationship. If it happens naturally, great.

Some people are really lucky to find their significant others early on in life. But don’t force matters. Be your own person rather than expect someone else to complete you, for that is a terrible burden to impose on someone.

Avoid one-night stands, too. I’ve known many a guy wind up writing child support checks because he had a weekend special with someone he really didn’t like all that much. Believe it or not, there are more important things in life than an or**sm.”

Good one.

“Save money.

It might be ‘boring’, or curtail some of the activities you want to do, but the relief you will feel later on in life from putting 5-10% of each paycheque aside will be more than worth it.

Take it from someone who cringes at the amount of money they know was wasted (and would be very welcome to have now).”

Hail Satan.

“That nagging feeling you have isn’t “Satan”.

It’s your intuition.

Don’t go on a Mormon mission.

Go find your own path.”

Ahead of the game.

“Use your film school equipment and make YouTube videos. It’s the only way you’ll make it to the industry.

Back then, I would have been light years ahead of the game with professional equipment at my fingertips.”

My advice?

Nothing lasts forever. Forget the pain and enjoy the ride.

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