Girlfriends are there to build each other up. We’re there on the tough days, for the fun days, and all of the days in between – and yes, we’re also the ones that tell each other the tough truths when needed.
OP’s bestie came to visit and they decided one day to head to the pool. She knew her friend had been going through some mental health and weight gain issues, so she wanted to do something fun.
My best friend was visiting me this week and since it’s summer we decided we wanted to go to the pool.
She has been on antidepressants for the past two years which has made her gain a ton of weight. She used to be very slim and skinny like me but the meds have completely changed her body composition.
The friend showed up two swimsuits, a one-piece and a bikini, and asked which she liked better. OP liked the one-piece but told her friend it was up to her.
She brought a few bathing suits and was asking for my opinion on them. She had a one piece and a bikini she was deciding between.
She kept saying she looked too fat in the bikini and might wear the one piece, I actually thought the one piece looked better but I didn’t say anything because it was up to her.
After she modeled them both and asked again, OP answered that she preferred the one-piece.
Then, her friend keep needling her, assuming that OP didn’t want her to wear the bikini because it made her look fat. OP said no, she just liked the other one better, and that her friend should wear what she wanted.
She modeled both for me and asked for my opinion. All I said was “I like the one piece better!”.
She asked me if I thought she looked fat in the bikini, and I said no I just like the other one better. She started to act super triggered and kept accusing me of thinking she’s fat and I told her to f off and wear whatever she wants.
Eventually, OP snapped. She told her that if she wanted to hear she looked fat, fine. Her friend packed up and left, and some others they know think OP should have held her tongue.
She put on the one piece and kept making snarky comments about how I think she’s fat and I would ignore her but she kept taunting me with comments so I just snapped and said “yeah you shouldn’t wear a bikini cause it doesn’t look good on you, happy now? is that what you wanted me to say so badly?”
She just started packing her bags and went somewhere, I haven’t heard from her since. I heard from our mutual friend Allie that she’s safe she just went to a hotel and rebooked her flight.
But allie told me that apparently my friend told her that I called her fat and Allie says I could’ve handled the situation better even when I told her the real story.
How does Reddit think she should have handled it? Let’s find out!
The top comment says that the friend’s issues are no OP’s problem.
This person says OP probably could have handled it better, but that everyone has their limits.
They say there was no way for OP to win.
One person who has been there says the friend probably needs to talk to someone.
A few people weren’t willing to say OP was completely without fault.
We’ve all been in tough situations with our friends.
Here’s hoping we have the patience to handle them with love.