
‘If he thinks any woman will be okay with his tests, he’s delusional.’ Sister Sides With Her Brother’s Ex After Their Breakup Over His “Gold Digging” Tests

Source: Reddit/AITA

The longer you’re on Reddit, the easier it is to believe that there really are very few stable people/relationships out there.

This guy is not going to convince you otherwise.

OP is his sister and says her brother, who is very well off, had been in a relationship with a great woman for some time.

My brother is a very hardworking man and at 27 he is now very wealthy and doing well for himself.

He’s been with this girl for six months and throughout the time we have gotten close because we both like hair, makeup, and shopping.

I never knew there was anything wrong with their relationship except when she texted me last week I saying she would love to hang out but thinks it’ll be inappropriate because her and my brother broke up.

When they broke up, the girlfriend described weird “auditioning” adventures that were meant to prove she wasn’t with him for his money, and said she finally got fed up with it.

I asked her why and she said she was sick and tired of “auditioning” to prove she was with him for the right reasons.

She went on to say that my brother is paranoid she’s after his money so he would test her like 1. Leaving out his bank statements on their bed and getting upset when she picked it up

2. Going out to eat at high end restaurants he requested and leaving his wallet on home at purpose to make her pay the bill and prove she’s not going out with him for money

3. Never buying her gifts and questioning her when she asks why he doesn’t.

OP thought that sounded crazy so she asked her brother – who not only confirmed the ex was telling the truth, but defended his behavior.

I was shocked so I had to hear my brothers perspective.

We spoke and he told me everything she said was true and that there’s nothing wrong with making sure his girlfriend is with him for the right reasons.

He said he left his bank statements on the bed and was peeking through the door to see if she would be curious and when he saw her pick up the papers he knew in his gut she was using him for his money, so he set up the restaurant idea to see if she would get upset at paying a 500$ bill which she was.

I asked him if he thinks her being an elementary school teacher could’ve contributed to her being upset at a 500$ bill at a restaurant he wanted to go to and he said no.

He said the straw that broke was when she asked him why he hasn’t bought her a single gift since they’ve started dating when she bought him a gaming console and new rims for his car and he knew she was just discretely asking him to buy her an expensive gift.

He yelled at OP for laughing at him, telling her she can’t understand, but she just told him he was never going to find anyone acting that way.

He confronted her and said he thinks she’s with him for his money so she said let me do us both a favor and dumped him and blocked him. He’s upset about the “gold digging *****” and when I laughed he called me an *******.

He said I would never understand what’s it’s like being a rich man and being used and I get that concern, but I told him if he thinks any woman will be okay with his tests and auditions he’s delusional.

If he doesn’t want to be used for his money he should start dating people as wealthy as him or leave lower income people alone if he’s not going to be genuine in his relationships unless they pass his “test”.

Does Reddit get it? I’m guessing not, but let’s find out!

The top comment points out that testing a partner never turns out well.

This person agrees that pretty much anyone would be mad getting stuck with a giant restaurant bill.

They all agree it’s a big red flag.

This commenter thinks OP should stay friends with the ex.

There’s a pretty big misconception that most women care a whole lot about money.

I think the fact that she dumped him is all the proof he needed.

Little too late now, though.

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