
She Told Her Autistic Brother That It’s His Fault That Women Don’t Like Him. Is She Wrong?

Source: Reddit/AITA

Source: Reddit

I’m gonna go ahead and tell you right now that this story from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page is probably gonna make you cringe.

Big time!

But it’s also kind of sad in a way…

The woman who wrote it started off by saying that her younger brother has Asperger’s.

AITA for telling my autistic brother the truth when he asked me why women don’t like him?

“I’ve got a younger brother (24) with Asperger’s and he’s very high functioning albeit with his quirks.

He hasn’t been having much luck with the ladies.

Recently I’ve moved back home during the stay at home orders to look after my parents. My brother still lives with them. I find out he’s been trying to date in recent months and confessed it’s been pretty unsuccessful for him. He even got to go on a first date but his date literally got up and left after about a half hour.

But she knows what’s really going on…and it’s not good…

I know exactly the reason why and it’s not flattering. For one thing my parents coddled him since he was a kid because he was on the spectrum and was the only boy in our family. My mom in particular always told him he was smarter and more advanced than everyone else who’s neurotypical.

This has led to his belief today that he genuinely is smarter than everyone else, especially women who he thinks are inherently irrational, illogical people.

He sounds like he needs a wake-up call.

So I know how he interacts with women like me or his other sisters. He tends to say very hurtful things first and when we get upset, he will then say things like “you are being irrational/hysterical/illogical, I’m just being honest and you can’t accept it.” This is like his catch phrase over the years and drives us absolutely INSANE.

So she decided it was time for some REAL TALK.

Anyways when he asked me I basically said, “listen the truth is your way of talking to women can come across as extremely demeaning and borderline ******.” I told him he acts like he can read every woman perfectly when he’s pretty much always wrong. This struck the wrong nerve with him and he later complained to my parents that I attacked him over things he can’t control.

As you can imagine, it didn’t go over very well…

Now I’m in hot water for “ruining his confidence” and I feel both bad and kinda relieved at the same time. This was the first time in my life I told him how annoying his behavior is because growing up our mom always blamed us whenever he got upset.

But maybe I was too harsh? AITA for telling him what I said?”

Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

One person said she’s NTA and said that he asked for it.

This person was blown away by one aspect of this story.

This reader talked about their own experiences with autism.

And this Reddit user said some folks need to hear this kind of stuff.

Man, that was a harsh one…

The truth can hurt sometimes!

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