
Boss Tells Employee They Can Only Buy Work Supplies Through Corporate, So They Stop Being Helpful And The Office Goes Downhill

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@Isabeau56

If you’ve ever worked in an office before, you know that there are certain wrenches that get thrown into the system for absolutely no reason that make everyone’s life difficult.

And you better believe that workers don’t like it!

That’s why this story from Reddit is so satisfying.

Because if you’ve been there, you know what this worker is talking about.

Check out what they had to say in this “Malicious Compliance” story.

No work-related errands at lunchtime? OK.

“From time to time we have immediate needs for random items in the office, so when that happens, I make a quick run to get the needed item while I’m already out at lunch.

Just trying to help out!

This is NOT in my job description, nor anyone else’s. Someone at corporate orders regular office supplies, and that covers most of our daily needs.

I’ve been working here for years and just took it upon myself to fill special orders, since I’m the only person in our office location with a company credit card.

Just trying to be helpful, right?

I had to special order some paper, which required me to go to the office supply store. It took about an hour.

Like I said, I’d been doing this for years with no issue and my efforts had always been appreciated, so I didn’t think anything of it.

Someone wasn’t cool with it…

When I returned to the office, I was called in to explain my “long lunch” to my boss.

I told him where I was and showed him the receipt for the paper, but to my surprise, he was still upset.

He said “All office supplies have to be ordered through corporate.”

He also said I could no longer use the company card without his OK.

Cue MC.

When my coworkers sent me requests, I just told them they needed to contact corporate.

Because many of these requests were specific to our department, I was the only one who really knew what was needed, so of course the orders got screwed up, and often took a week or more when they were needed the same or next day.

And it’s getting ugly out there!

People making twice my salary have been tied up with supply orders and certain projects have been put on hold until special order materials arrive.

Sometimes the items we’ve gotten are not what we requested, so that caused even more delays.

My coworkers are getting frustrated and angry.

I could easily resolve these issues, but I’ve been told to stand down, so that’s what I’m doing.

I’m anticipating my boss will want to undo his new rule as the outcry gets louder, but it’s really not my job.

I was just doing it as a favor. I’m sure the experts at corporate can figure it out.”

Check out how people responded.

This person had some advice about how to handle this.

Another individual also shared what they think this person should do.

One Reddit user offered additional advice.

And this Reddit user said this was a stupid decision by the company.

Some folks just gotta learn the hard way.

You better believe that’s the truth!

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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