Once you have kids, you realize that the saying “it takes a village” really is true. I mean, you can do it on your own or as a nuclear family, but you won’t have the best possible experience without help.
OP is a stepmom to 5 children. She adopted 4 of them but the 5th has refused to accept her as a parent.
This is a bit complicated, I am a stepmom to five wonderful kids. I became their stepmom when the oldest was 9.
I adopted all of them but one and that is Nick. He never wanted me to be his mom which is fine.
The moment he turned 18 he made it very clear he doesn’t care about me at all.
Ouch. And it doesn’t stop there.
I wasn’t invited to his wedding, any holidays and so on if he was hosting. My last straw was when he told me that he will come to Christmas that I was hosting if I left. So we are very low contact.
Along with that, he has blown up every sibling relationship.
Now, he has children…
He has two girls now and he called me up.
This was a surprise and we started talking.
After I while he started complaining about not getting help at all to raise his kids.
He asked me to watch them on Sunday and step up as a grandparent.
Actions have consequences…
I told him the reason the village doesn’t exist to raise his kids is due to him burning that village down.
He called me a jerk and hung up.
My husband is iffy on the situation but told me it’s my call since I would be the one to watch the kids most of the time since he travels often for work.
What does Reddit think? Let’s find out!
The top comment says it seems like lots of information is missing.
No one is willing to let the husband totally off the hook.
They hope OP will stand up for herself more in the future, actually.
This person thinks it’s way past time to get a professional involved.
And this commenter thinks OP should protect herself.
This kid definitely sounds like he needs help.
They probably should have gotten it for him a long time ago, though.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parent’s 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.