
Her In-Laws Keep Calling Her The Wrong Name, So She Gets Revenge In Front Of Their Friends

Source: Reddit/AITA

I swear, one of the oddest things I’ve learned while reading stories on Reddit is how some people want to make absolutely everything in the world about them and what they like.

But changing someone else’s name to what you think it should be? That’s extra.

OP’s name is Rynn. It’s not short for anything and she never claimed it was, but for some reasons, her inlaws think/tell people it’s short for Katherine.

My name is Rynn. Just Rynn. Not Katherine.

But ever since my ILs have met me, they have gotten the idea that my actual name is Katherine and Rynn is just a nickname.

I have asked them not to introduce me or tell people it’s my name but they always go back to it.

She and her husband even took a short break from them once because they refused to respect her wishes on the matter.

My husband and I took a small break from them when it continued and they apologized and seemed to be doing better.

Then for my MILs birthday we were invited to celebrate with them and a couple of her friends came up to me and asked if I was Katherine.

They said MIL talked all about me.

I decided to get a little bit jokey instead of annoyed and played up on it saying MIL is so forgetful and that I was so sorry she told them the wrong name. That I’ll need to write my name on everything she owns so they don’t forget.

Her friends found it funny but told her it was weird that she gave them the wrong name.

Her inlaws, however, did not find it funny.

She and FIL came up to me close to the end of the party and I told them to stop telling people my name is Katherine and they need to accept that my name isn’t up to them.

They claim I was rude and that it was awful for me to try and embarrass them in front of their friends (by joking with MILs friends).

My husband told them they should have listened. But they are saying I took it too far and maybe I did.

Now things are awkward again and OP is wondering whether or not she should have gone about it in a different way.

The top comment says OP isn’t embarrassing them – they’re embarrassing themselves.

This person says they should have expected OP to escalate.

Either way, she’s got to find a way to get through to them.

And this commenter says there’s no way they’re not doing it on purpose.

No one has to forgive someone for being intentionally rude.

This is such a weird hill to die on, isn’t it?

Just use her correct name!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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