
Her Sister Asked Her To Fill Out An Application To Be A Guest At Her Wedding. She Flatly Refused.

Source: Reddit/AITA/iStock

Just when I think I’ve heard it all when it comes to bridezilla behavior, some woman comes along and raises the stakes in the weirdest possible way.

OP’s sister had a destination wedding planned during covid, but she wasn’t letting a little thing like a global pandemic derail her plans.

So my sister is getting married next February, destination wedding no less.

I have doubts whether this wedding is actually going to happen with the pandemic and everything but she is totally set on moving forward.

She did need to adjust numbers, though, because the venue was trying to limit guest exposure during the height of things.

Anyways because of the pandemic, her original venue has made her cut down on guests because they’re cutting capacity by half.

As a result she’s sending out “re-invites” that asks everyone to RSVP again.

Her idea? Have all of the original guests answer two “essay” questions to gauge their enthusiasm for attending.

But in order to figure out who to invite and who to cut, she’s asking all confirmed guests to submit two 250-word “essays” to two questions.

The gist is that they’ll use these essays to choose who can come or not, based on people’s enthusiasm. People who don’t write the essays at all will be automatically disqualified.

OP says she wasn’t that excited about have to quarantine upon returning home in the first place, so she’s considering not filling out the questions at all.

I just feel really insulted by all of this. The questions aren’t even pandemic-related, its broad topics like ”why do you still want to celebrate this day with us?” And “what will attending our wedding mean to you specifically?”

So she’s blatantly looking for people to kiss rear and tell her why they REALLY want to go.

Anyways I told her in advance I’m not writing 500 words on why I NEED to attend her wedding, spend my own money on plane tickets/hotels, and buy her a present.

Her parents think she should play along but OP doesn’t feel like family should have to compete for a spot in the first place.

This has really rubbed her and my parents the wrong way.

She’s said that to keep things fair if I don’t fill out the RSVP correctly I won’t be saved a spot. I said fine with me.

Then my parents said if I don’t show up I’m going to be in big trouble with all our relatives so just write the essays.

AITA if I stay stubborn on this? I’m already annoyed at the thought of spending thousands and coming home to quarantine.

But I will not belt out 500 words on how this is totally my choice.

Is Reddit appalled? Surprised? Let’s hear them out!

The top comment has some excellent suggestions for OP’s essays.

Everyone agrees that family shouldn’t have to “earn” an invite.

This person says anyone who would do this is a giant doormat.

They say this is just another chapter in the story of unhinged weddings.

This is insane, y’all.

Could you imagine having the gall to come up with such a thing?

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