
Stranger Berated Him About Someone Else’s Parking Job, So He Played Along To Make Her Look Foolish

Source: Reddit/AITA

There are people out there who are always looking for a fight – and then there are people who won’t go looking, but also won’t back down if it comes to them.

It kind of depends on the day.

This guy doesn’t have a car and doesn’t mind walking.

I live in a city & to save money I don’t own a car.

Sometimes it’s inconvenient but mostly the subway & buses get me where I need to go. For groceries there’s a big grocery chain just a few blocks away.

So, I’m leaving the grocery one day, a bag in my arm and another in a small backpack. I’m walking through the parking lot on the way home and this lady steps out in front of me and starts yelling that I parked my truck too close to her car.

On the way home, though, he was confronted about “his” truck.

I look next to her and this little orange hatchback is parked with the driver side right up against the white line. Next to it is a large white pick up with its passenger side also right up against the white line.

Each vehicle was within its proper spot but with little more than the width of the line painted on the pavement separating them.

As I’m looking at the situation and trying to figure out what’s going on. This women is yelling at me calling me a short little s— and demanding I move “my truck”.

He stood up for himself, just because.

Now I know I’m short, I’ve been teased about it enough. No big deal. I’m also aware when some bully is having a tough day and wants to abuse someone, they don’t tend to challenge the biggest dude around.

They pick someone who looks easier to abuse. Still, every now and then I don’t have the patience for such nonsense.

I decided to push back. I know it wasn’t my truck but I wasn’t going to tell her that. So I said “I’ll park however I like and I’m not moving that truck”.

She kept yelling and mocking me and I continued to refuse to move the truck.

And really enjoyed the dumb look on her face at the end.

Anyhow, while this is happing a dude walks past us, tosses something in the back of the truck, climbs in and starts to pull out.

She does a double take and seems lost for words.

As the truck pulls away I say “I never said it was my truck”. Then I continue on my way through the parking lot, headed home.

Reddit has to love this little tale.

They were debating whether or not she would laugh about it later.

One funny story deserves another.

It really was pretty perfect.

This one might be my favorite.

But this would have definitely been funny, too.

This one made me snort.

This is why you don’t go around picking on what you assume is the weakest link.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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