
Ex-Wife Tries To Force Family To Sell The Family Islands, So A Crafty Lawyer Made Sure That She Got The Short End Of The Stick

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@olivier_twwli

If “Pro Revenge” is your thing, then you’re in the right place, my friends.

Because this story from Reddit is one for the ages!

Take a look at what went down…we think you’ll be impressed!

Wife tries to force husband’s family to sell their grandfather’s cabin to buy her out in divorce.

“The brother of a good friend of mine went through a divorce last year.

The divorce was fairly messy. His soon-to-be ex wife was trying to get as much as she could.

This is a sweet pad…

My friend and his siblings all jointly inherited their Grandfather’s cabin a few months earlier. It is situated on a private island in Canada, that has been owned by the family for 4 generations.

It’s about 5000 sqft, and easily worth over $3mil, and their grandfather had several unexpected private offers over that value, all refused with no interest in selling.

The family was notified by her lawyer that she was requesting payment to buy her out of her 1/6th ownership. Each sibling owning 1/3rd, and she was trying to claim half of her husband’s share.

The ex-wife was playing hardball.

They tried to discuss a few alternatives, such as giving her a 1/6th right to usage, but no ownership.

She declined, apparently intent on forcing them to sell it, knowing none of them could afford to front the money to their brother to keep the cabin in their ownership.

There was a twist!

Their lawyer (a family friend) did a bunch of work to find a favourable solution for them.

In looking over the grandfather’s will, he discovered that the divorcing brother did not in fact own any part of the island with the cabin on it.

It seemed that their grandfather bought up a bunch of other islands nearby the cabin, and willed them to his grandchildren separately.

He only owned a small nearby island, made up of rocks and gravel. Not big enough to build on, and not worth any money at all.

It was time to make an offer.

Not wanting to give her anything at all, they made her an offer. They attempted to look like they were giving her more than she deserved, and with the appearance of being desperate to keep ownership of the cabin, to give her 75% usage rights of “the island”, for 25 years, with no ownership.

In the offer, they named the worthless island by its legal land title name.

She made a counter offer, which was identical, but she wanted to add her rights to rent the island out for profit, and she wanted choice over her time allocation, which she drafted in the offer.

They agreed.

Apparently her new boyfriend was more interested in the cabin than the money.

They mailed her a set of keys for “the cabin.” They were keys for a master lock for their lifejacket storage box on the dock at shore, as well as a fake key with a bright-yellow floating foam keychain, to give her the impression that there would be a boat available to get to the island.

She was really in for it!

They allowed her to believe her deal was for the cabin’s island for quite a while, as the divorce was still not finalized.

Her first weekend with “the island” was a long weekend, and she invited her family out, along with her new boyfriend. A 400 km drive.

And were greeted by my friend’s dad and their lawyer.

The whole thing was planned by their lawyer, who I am fairly good friends with as well.

He tells me that her family was stranded on the island for hours, as they hired a barge to ferry them over, and they waited until the barge left before going over the details of what she agreed to.

He says she attempted legal action once more after that, accusing the family of fabricating the will after the fact.

Apparently her lawyer dropped the case before it even started.”

Here’s what people said on Reddit about this story.

One reader talked about how inheritances work in Canada.

This person thinks their friend got screwed over.

Another individual said she wasn’t entitled to any of this.

This person doesn’t believe this actually happened…

And one person had a similar story to tell.

Some people can be so greedy.

I’m glad she got put in her place!

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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