
Neighborhood Punks Beat Up A Veteran’s Son, So He Makes Sure Their Actions Follow Them For The Rest Of Their Lives

Source: Reddit/@AQuietBorderline

You never know who you’re messing with

And that’s why it’s best to keep your nose clean and stay out of trouble as much as possible.

Those are words to live by, my friends!

And the guys who messed with a veteran’s son probably regret that they ever laid hands on the guy…check out what happened.

What Happens When Neighborhood Punks Decide To Beat Up Veteran’s Son.

“Dad and George grew up in a booming city in what’s now known as the Rust Belt.

You were pretty much guaranteed a job at the major car plant in town. You were pretty much guaranteed a job at the plant in town as soon as you got out of high school. George was one of those people, Dad wasn’t.

Dad accepted a scholarship to his dream school to study engineering. During the weekends and holidays, he’d come home and hang out with his buddies, including George.

He got some terrible news.

One afternoon, Dad gets a phone call from Grandma. George had been jumped after work and had the metaphorical tar beaten out of him. For a while, it looked like he wasn’t going to make it.

By some miracle, George pulled through but was in such bad shape that he had to retire early and go on disability. While on one of his visits home, George’s dad, Walter, pulls Dad aside and asks him if he knows a guy named Flynn.

Dad had heard the name was one of the local troublemakers. He asked Walter why and Walter revealed that the wallet had been found by George’s body and given to him (the paramedics thought the wallet was George’s, no I have no idea why they didn’t check on it).

The town was in rough shape.

Unfortunately, the city was going through financial difficulties (thanks to corruption and mismanagement) to the point that they didn’t have enough money to pay their police officers during the weekends.

No, I am not kidding, from 8PM Friday night to 6AM Monday morning, there wasn’t a single police officer on duty. Since the assault took place on Friday night, there wasn’t much anyone can do.

Dad asked Walter what he was going to do about it. Walter looked at him with a stern face and said “I take care of my own.”

This guy wasn’t messing around when it came to his son.

Walter was an Army vet who had served during WWII and Korea. He never spoke about his time, claiming he was a radio technician and never left the base. He never breathed a word to anyone, even George’s mother (his wife). The full story never came out until after George passed away when a letter Walter had written before he **** was found in George’s possessions.

After realizing that Flynn was one of the people who had destroyed George’s life, Walter got in touch with his friends. He was a personable guy, you know the type, the kind who makes friends in five minutes. They all agreed that something had to be done.

And thus Operation George’s Revenge was born.

Some recon was necessary.

Walter and his friends began…observation…of Flynn and would keep tabs on him. It took several weeks but eventually, Flynn and his buddies (Mack and Zeno) were overheard bragging about the attack.

Knowing who to attack, they moved to the next steps. Walter’s friends (some of whom worked in high places) decided to make some phone calls to their friends in the plant where all three worked.

And then it was time for action.

See, these friends were union (state was closed shop at the time) and, disgusted about what happened to George, they decided to make things difficult for them.

They’d remove vital tools for “emergency maintenance” at the last minute, put them in positions they weren’t good in and rearranged the schedule so they got the worst shifts…to name a few.

They also began a whispering campaign so everyone at the plant knew what had happened. In this city back then, who you knew and what everyone thought you’ve done was enough to make or break you.

It worked…but they weren’t done yet.

The goal was to get them to quit…and after a year or so, all three had quit, frustrated with how they were being treated.

But Walter and his friends aren’t done. Not by a long shot.

A few phone calls and anonymous letters later, Flynn, Mack and Zeno were unemployable in the district. Because they hadn’t been fired, they weren’t entitled to severance or anything. Soon their money ran out but they couldn’t get out of town because everyone knew from the whispering campaign what they had done to George.

In fact, it continued forever.

For the rest of their lives, Walter and his friends “kept an eye” on Flynn, Mack and Zeno.

Just when it appeared that they had an out, the whisper/letter campaign would start again and they’d be denied an out. The three men ended up homeless and destitute alcoholics who couldn’t even get state aid. And this is in a state that is known for its generous aid for those in bad straits.

Walter and his friends made a “contingency plan” to continue this until the three men were **** using the next generation. So those men would never forget what they did to George.

Nobody was able to find out anything about Flynn, Mack and Zeno…but I wouldn’t be surprised that they’re still stuck and miserable.”

Now it’s time to see how people reacted to this story.

This person knows where these guys were coming from.

Another individual made a good point…

This person said Walter did the right thing.

Another Reddit user wants to see this story on the big screen!

That’s what I call a happy ending!

Nice work!

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