
“Please Come To My Birthday Dinner! But If Anyone Doesn’t Have A Seat, You Have To Give Yours Up!”

Source: Reddit/AITA/iStock

Birthdays are supposed to be a time to celebrate! Kick back, relax, and enjoy the company of friends and family.

But this story shows that birthday parties aren’t all their cracked up to be, especially when the birthday girl has a few screws loose!

OP went to Reddit after being invited to his older cousin’s birthday party, under the ridiculous condition that if any older guest would arrive and be without a seat, they would have to give their seat up and stand the whole night!

Check it out!

AITA for saying that I would leave my cousins birthday party if I have to give up my seat to an older guest?

I (21M) was just invited tonight to a cousin’s (56 F) birthday party to take place in a restaurant at my city.

She’s actually my mom’s cousin and that’s why she is that much older. I was not originally invited because of the size of the venue, but the location changed and now I am invited to go.

It is important to notice that my cousin has this conception of “kids” to anyone who is younger than 30 years old approximately, so I would be considered a kid on her part even though I do drink, dance and share with others that are not actually my age but family still.

Some things never change, like older relatives always viewing you as the baby of the family, regardless of your actual age! But this label of “kid” came with an absurd rule for attending.

But there is a little “condition” in case I go.

It would be that “if any other guest who is older than me comes, and does not have a seat, I must give them my seat at the table and spend the night standing.”

It is important to notice that the party includes dinner, so I would have to, most likely, stand while everyone is eating and chatting.

So… ummm… why?

The reason for this whole issue is that my cousin only booked for 50 seats, but will have more than 50 guests.

Me being a last time guest, would have to be under those conditions.

The first thing I told my mom when she told me that, was that I wasn’t going.

But she might need some help to keep an eye on my dad for some out of context circumstances related to medical issues that doesn’t allow him to fluently communicate.

This made OP reconsider, but he was still uncomfortable with being forced out of his seat, and put his foot down.

After listening to that I said that I would think about going, but that if I had to spend the night standing because of someone else wanting my seat, I would be leaving in the spot, calling a taxi and going back home without saying a word to anyone.

My question is, would I be a jerk if I did that? Or should I simply not go?

Seems like a crappy situation either way!

You either go and have to stand and eat while watching everyone sit, or don’t go and face the wrath of your family!

Reddit told him, unequivocally, not to go, with this user reminding him that he is their guest, and they should be the one’s accommodating him, instead of vice-versa.

Another user pointed out that if the seats were strictly limited, in all likelihood the meals would be as well.

This person thought that it was one thing to voluntarily give up his seat, but to be forced to is out of the question!

This user suspected that this blunder was more on the Mom than the cousin…

And finally, this user said that if OP is going to assist his Father, HE should be the one who is given priority in the seating!

So does family come first, and sometime you just have to suck it up and give up your seat to keep the peace?

Or should the cousin have planned accordingly for how many people she wanted to invite?

I’d probably go, but that’s just me.

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