
Rude Neighbors Refuse To Move Their Cars To Help EMTs Save Somebody, So They Move Their Cars For Them

Source: Reddit/AITA

There are too many bad neighbor stories on Reddit for anyone to believe it’s not a real risk we run anytime we move.

I haven’t seen one from an EMT’s point-of-view before, though.

OP was called to a person’s house who he knew to struggle with obesity.

We got a call to a house where there was a bariatric patient who had fallen. The patient was morbidly obese and weighed around 30 stone (420lbs).

This story isn’t really about them though. There are many reasons people get to this size and I’ve never judged, only helped.

No, the problem here was a really arrogant neighbour we had come across before, and boy was this chap an judgemental moron.

The person’s neighbor was also a known entity.

Our patient had a car and had a disabled parking permit. They also had a council designated disabled parking spot outside their home which the neighbour kept parking in.

There had been a number of letters from the council regarding this and a number of parking fines just served to annoy this chap even more.

On the day of the story, I took the call that the patient had fallen and we went to the house.

Sure enough the neighbour was not only parked in the disabled spot but had parked a second car blocking access to the patients driveway.

I assessed the patient and suspected they had a broken hip, so needed to go in. I sent my colleague round to the neighbour to ask them to move the cars and when they came back I was told the neighbour had just told my colleague to “do one”.

No problem, time to get the message home.

I radioed through to our control centre and asked for the fire service and police. We needed the fire service to help lift the guy and the police to do a little parking control.

When the neighbor refused to let them get into the house for life-saving measures, well…OP did the other thing he could.

The fire service were the first to arrive and I spoke to the crew commander to let them know what the situation was. A firemen went to the house to ask the neighbour to move the car and was told the same as my colleague.

The message was relayed back and the watch commander just asked me one question. “Is the patients life at risk?”

I knew exactly where this was going and it was time our thoughtless neigbour got the message.

My answer was “Yes, there is equipment I need to get into the house and the driveway is blocked preventing me doing so”.

The watch commander told the fire truck driver to “move those vehicles”.

It was really satisfying to see both vehicles being pushed down the road by the fire service and the look on the neighbours face as he came out spitting and screaming was well worth seeing.

His complaints to the Police fell on deaf ears, they were well aware of hist history of obstruction and my clinical assessment that the patient’s life was in danger was more than enough justification for the vehicles to be moved.

I doubt it made our patients life any easier and sadly they died a few months later without leaving hospital, but it really did bring a smile to their face as we wheeled them out.

The story has a sad but satisfying ending.

The top commenter wishes they could have seen the spectacle, too.

From beginning to end, if we had the chance.

And don’t try billing your insurance.

We seriously all need the video.

I mean, you get what you ask for.

Y’all, sometimes these stories are just so satisfying.

Karma via Reddit. Mwah!

If you thought that was an interesting read, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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