
Walmart Tells Them A Deal Is “Online Only,” So Shopper Gets Hilarious Revenge By Beating Their System

Source: Reddit/AITA

I am of the opinion that no one looks forward to going to Walmart. That goes double, I would think, for big shopping events like Black Friday.

OP went in to buy her in-laws a microwave that had been advertised at a certain price.

My in-laws needed a new microwave so I went to Walmart for their black Friday specials offered all November.

I went to self check-out and it rang up higher than the internet ad and the clerk told me it was on-line only.

When they were told it was online only, they tried to roll with it.

I went out into the parking lot, ordered it online, and went back in to pick it up.

They had already returned it from the check-out area so I asked a manager if I could just get it, get a receipt, and leave. It was 8:30 am and they weren’t scheduled to make it available for pick-up until 10:30 am.

The manager told me no, as it would “mess up their metrics”.

That didn’t work either, so they went for maximum inconvenience.

I said fine, I would have it delivered.

I went home, cancelled the pick-up to “mess with their metrics”, re-ordered and had it delivered to their house, 30 miles away.

Ironically, the original order was ready for pick -up at 9:00 am but I was already home.

I would have chuckled deviously.

When they finally delivered it to my in-laws, I watched the driver cruise around the neighborhood on-line because he was lost.

So their metrics have a cancelled order, free delivery, as well has added miles per delivery and I still got the microwave for the cheaper price.

Does Reddit have the giggles, too?

The top commenter cannot make any of this make sense.

This person says economics is no longer a hard science.

And this comment wants to start a whole discussion.

There are reasons for everything.

As ever, conspiracy theories abound.

This is downright hilarious.

In a very dark manner.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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