
Woman Wants to Know If She’s Out Of Line For Not Letting Her Brother And His Wife Come To Her Wedding

Source: Reddit/AITA/@airphilter

Things have to be pretty bad for a person to exclude their own brother from their wedding.

But we all know how certain families operate…and it can get pretty ugly.

Is this woman wrong for not letting her brother and his wife attend her big day?

Read on to get all the details.

AITA for not letting my brother and his wife come to my wedding?

“I (19f) am autistic and no one else in my family is.

One of my brothers Marcus (29m) got married to Lilith (28f) a six year ago back. They lived away from here so I didn’t know her that well until they moved back here a bit over a year ago. I was really happy at first to have my brother around more but that happiness didn’t last long.

Her SIL sounds like a real piece of work.

It started with Lilith referring to me as “it.” I told her she can use “she” or “they” for me but “it” makes me uncomfortable and she apologized. Then she did it another time and when I corrected her she said it was “just a joke.” I told her that it wasn’t funny and not to do it.

A while after that I was having a hard time and needed to leave bowling early and I heard Lilith say to Marcus as I was leaving “don’t feel bad, it isn’t your fault it’s restarted.” If you don’t know “restarted” is a variation of the slur retarded.

I was upset and talked to Marcus a couple days later and told me she was just joking. I told him that it really bothered me and he said he would talk to her.

She got some more shocking news about her SIL.

Fast forward a bit, and my fiance Shawn (28m) shows me about a conversation he had with Lilith over text. She had basically insinuated that he has a kink for retarded girls and that he did a good job finding such a pretty one who can’t think but must be nice in other ways.

Shawn was very upset that she had said this and so was I. I tried to talk to Marcus but he just told me that Lilith has a dark sense of humor and that she didn’t mean to upset anyone. I felt hurt by this still. So, when we made invites we didn’t include Marcus or Lilith. When they asked about it I just explained why I chose what I did. They were livid.

Now, all of my family is saying that if I don’t let Marcus and Lilith come they won’t. They bring it up whenever I see them or try and talk to them and tell me I’m being a jerk about it.”

Here’s what people had to say about this story.

This person said she doesn’t deserve this.

Another reader said she’s definitely NTA.

This Reddit user said she deserves a lot better than this.

This individual said they hope she doesn’t cave in to the pressure.

And one person said she’s NTA and explained why.

Family drama…it’s around every corner!

And this was a doozy!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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