
Bar Owner Talks About How Dry January Affected His Sales, Even In A “Drinking City” Like Hoboken, New Jersey

Source: TikTok/@pat__light

It happens every year…

On January 1, people declare that they’re going to take part in “Dry January”, meaning that they’ll abstain from alcohol for the whole month after the holidays.

And today we’re going to get the flipside of that phenomenon.

A bar owner and a former pitcher for the Boston Red Sox named Pat Light posted a video on TikTok and talked about what it’s like to be in the booze business in January.

Light said, “Most people don’t think about this when it comes to Dry January. I’m a bar owner here in [Hoboken], New Jersey, right outside New York City… the week after New Year’s Eve is, like, the slowest week in the world.”

Light said that one of the bars he owns did ZERO DOLLARS in sales one day in January.

He pointed out how unusual this is because Hoboken is what he calls “a drinking city.”

That’s pretty amazing when you think about it…

Here’s what he had to say.


I never thought about these types of things until I got into the industry and started owning bars. #patlight#hoboken#hobokennj#dryjanuary#jerseycity#hobokenbars#nyc

♬ original sound – Pat Light

Let’s take a look at how folks reacted on TikTok.

This person thinks they know what he needs to do.

Another viewer made a sarcastic comment…we think…

And one person wasn’t moved by this video…

I get why people aren’t too sad for this guy, but plenty of people like to drink responsibly, and we can’t fault this guy for telling the world that sometimes things are tough.

Would we get angry at a baker who complains about “No Fat February”… if that were even a thing?

Probably not!

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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