
Boss Insisted Employee With A Gassy Problem Come Into The Office, So He Maliciously Complied And Stunk Up The Place

Source: Reddit/AITA

No one enjoys side effects of their medicine, but sometimes you can at least find the humorous side of things.

Like when you have really bad gas but otherwise, the medicine is working just fine.

OP mostly works from home, so their horrible gas was only bothering them and their dog.

This could also probably go in AITA lol I’m usually able to work from home but I go into the office 1 day a week.

One of the side effects of a medication I’m on is uncontrollable gas. This is one of the less serious, but more annoying and hilarious side effects.

Lately it’s gotten pretty bad.

They tried to beg off their office day but their boss was having none of it.

Since I usually work from home, I asked if I could WFH on my office day (figured I’d spare others and only subject myself and my dog – who can hold his own gas wise anyway)

I just said it was because I was having side effects but kept it vague. I could hear my boss sigh.

She said “You need to come in today. We have some new people starting and I told them you would do a meet and greet. And it would look bad if I wasn’t there.

I didn’t think that’s a good enough reason, but she kept insisting so I took a pill to try and stop the gas and went into work.

Masking their symptoms only lasted for so long.

Gas pill wears off at 10AM. I managed to meet the people and it’s fine but then I’m informed that I’m expected to stay in their class and shadow the training. I’m guessing that’s the real reason my boss wanted me in.

At this point try to get a private moment to tell my boss (a classy lady who wears pearls) that I be fartin. But alas, she was whisked away to another meeting. So…

The first few times I had to fart I tried to excuse myself, but it became so distracting me going in and out of the room that eventually I just decided to let it happen in this room of about 10 of our newest hires.

Enough people complained that he was allowed to go home.

Someone must’ve told my boss on lunch break because I got a PM that said “okay you can go home”

Don’t know what other fallout to expect from that, but I’m at home with my dog right now just gassing my place up.

Reddit has to be loling at this one.

Sometimes people just need to experience those side effects for themselves.

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase!

This story is honestly comedy gold.

Extreme measures are sometimes necessary.

I dare you not to laugh.

I can’t stop giggling at the visuals.

This person has a career as a writer!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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