Weddings ain’t cheap, folks!
In fact, they can be incredibly expensive…and I’m not even talking about the folks who are getting married.
Was this woman wrong for the stance she took in regard to her friend’s wedding?
Check out what she had to say…
AITA for not buying a bridesmaid’s dress for my friend’s wedding?
“I 25F have a friend Ava 25F. She is getting married and asked me to be her bridesmaid and I agreed.
Her theme for bridesmaids was a sunset, so she asked us all to wear yellow/orange/pink dresses to match the theme.
I went to my brother’s wedding a few years ago and my SIL’s bridesmaid theme was a yellow dress.
It is a beautiful dress and was very expensive for me as a college student.
My brother agreed to pay more than half which made it a lot more affordable but that dress isn’t wearable outside of special occasions and I’ve only worn it once outside the wedding.
She told the truth…
I told Ava I had a dress for her wedding when we were out with a friend and my friend asked oh is it the one you wore for SIL’s and brothers wedding?
So I said yeah and showed them a picture of me in the dress.
Ava then said she would want me to get a new dress for her wedding as I’ve worn my yellow one before and people have seen it.
I was confused by this as even if people have seen it it doesn’t matter?
This is not making much sense to her…
My SIL was the year above me in school so we do share mutual friends that I saw at her wedding and some of them will be at Ava’s wedding, but I don’t want to buy a brand new dress.
Bridesmaid dresses are expensive and I don’t get wear out of them afterwards so they sit in my closet.
I haven’t been to many weddings though, only my brothers that I remember and a few cousins when I was much younger so maybe this is some wedding etiquette that I need to brush up on?”
Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.
This person said she’s NTA by a long shot.
Another individual made a good point…
This reader thinks these dresses are made to be worn again.
One person said she’s NTA…but the bride is…
And one Reddit user asked a good question…
Sounds like her friend is a bit wacky.
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