
Her Family Thinks It’s Fine To Call Someone The Wrong Name, But When The Tables Are Turned They Change Their Tune

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

Families are wild, ya’ll, and almost without exception. If you meet someone’s family and you think everyone seems totally normal and sane, it’s almost certainly because you haven’t met them all yet (or they’re masking really well).

Sometimes, you have to step back and put the oddballs in their place.

OP’s grandmother never had a daughter, but had a name.

My(F15) granny always dreamed of having a daughter named Mary but instead she got 6 sons and no daughters.

Whenever she found out each of her DILs is pregnant she would beg them to name the kid Mary but no one would do this.

Since she’s not getting her way, she’s calling OP’s sister the “chosen” name, even though it’s not her name.

When my baby sister(2months) was born my granny decided that she is going to call her Mary eventhought that’s not her name.

My parents are very annoyed because of this but they believe in respecting elders so they won’t say anything.

This Christmas we all gathered at granny’s and she again called my sister Mary. I snapped at her to stop this is annoying that’s not her name.

Her family sees nothing wrong with this – or at least, that’s what they said before OP testing their theory.

Granny was upset and my cousins and uncles started telling me that I’m being rude and it’s just a name and it’s no big deal so I decided that since it’s no big deal for them I will call all of my cousins Mary, even the boys.

I called them Mary all day and at the end one of them snapped and told me that I’m not funny anymore and asked me to stop.

I told him I’m not trying to be funny Mary but I won’t stop until you apologize and admit that it is annoying to be called something other than your name.

Now they are calling me an a—–e.

Is she annoying and wrong? Let’s hear Reddit’s verdict!

The top comment says just because she’s old doesn’t mean she isn’t wrong.

They appreciated OP’s humor.

This person wonders why they didn’t just name the baby Mary.

There are no winners here. Technically.

I think this is harmless but effective.

Can’t ask for much more when you’re talking about teenagers.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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