Having to deal with bad co-workers is THE WORST.
We’ve all been there, right?
And this story from Reddit will resonate with all of you!
Check out how this person got back at a terrible person they had to work with.
Make me look bad on the job? Well we’ll see about that.
“I worked at a clothing store in a mall for a year and a half it was not fun, but I was think back to my time their recently and I forgot this golden gem of Pro Revenge.
The new girl thought she was ALL THAT.
So a new girl had just been hired as many new people did in that job and right away you could tell she thought she was hot ****.
We’re talking acting like a manager, talking how many hours she had and worst of all she wouldn’t shut up about all the dudes she was banging and how the money she got from them was the most important part.
To put it lightly she was a cold hearted ***** who made everyone feel bad about their “insignificant” lives as she put it.
Here’s where things go down.
In our store all the racks were milled steel bars and hooks so really hard to break and really expensive. They could however be bent out of shape if enough heavy coats stay on them for long periods of time.
Ms. Hot **** here though it would be a good idea to impress the management by putting all the coats on the same rack using the milled steel bars instead of a circular rack that wouldn’t warp.
I protested of course as I’d been their longer but she said: ” I get paid more than you so do what I say.”
She got hired as a key holder our of the gate so she made a dollar more than I did per hour.
Whatever you say…
I go along with it put the heavy winter coats up on the milled steel and go about my life. Well 2 weeks later the milled steel is of course warped and when management saw this they flipped (cheapo store any cost was bad to them).
Anyways she blames it on me and I get written up for it, now I refused to sign so they gave me less hours which also cut my pay. Because she lied I was now making 50% less than before and had a formal written complaint against me, to say I was ticked off wouldn’t even start. So I devised a plan go get back at her.
You see the drywall on the center pillars had sustained water damage for an early melt earlier that year making them extremely soft. However they provide some of the largest coverage of shelf space in the entire store meaning basically a good 20% of shelf space couldn’t be used.
Now the kicker is Ms. Hot **** didn’t know about this as she came in a week after it had happened and you wouldn’t think the pillar couldn’t be used as there was banners on it to try and hide the yellowing.
I may have suggested what a waste not being able to have product on the pillars was and how of someone could come up with a nice display it would bring in alot of customers due to how people could see it from the mall main floor (we were just off the food court).
Her eyes lit up, now here’s the thing I was taking a small break to a nice snowy lake cabin the next day and the people she had working with her where the manager or the temps who were not allowed to handle marketing and logistics (e.i. putting shelves/ rack up on the wall due to their cost and the incident that got me wrote up.)
Now I knew she wouldn’t want the managers to see it because she wanted all the glory from it, (she wanted to show to our 3 stores in the mall that her store was the best while the managers weren’t around). So she being with a temp and them not being able to put up shelving put the heavy winter clothing on milled steel racks attached to the soft drywall pillars, within a week the drywall on the pillars collapsed and ruined $500 worth of product.
You know what’s coming next…
Now she tried to shift blame on me but I was away for the whole week so it could not have been me because obviously that can’t happen if I’m in the forest hundreds of miles from civilization. So no dice there and she promptly got charged with the repair, demoted to sales associate and written up for what they finally realized was not just this but the one they wanted me to sign.
The repair was $2,500 plus the $500 stock that got destroyed when 40 pounds of dry wall came crashing down on it.
But I wasn’t done yet, you see our manager in our store specifically was pretty chill and she’s still a personal friend to me, she had a group chat so we could talk off hours and keep up to date.
Now as I mentioned before she wouldn’t shut up about all the men she was playing and how the only thing that mattered was the money and boy oh boy did she use the group chat to say a lot of this.
Sometimes one of these dudes would come around and take her for lunch. Let’s just say when she was in the back for a little while finishing something up that I let them see the text channel if they promised not to let her know I told them.
It was all coming out!
So often they’d go on their lunch date and after 1 or 2 days she’d be down a man. Finally this boiled over when one of them took her phone saw how many guys she had being banging for money and messaged all of them about how much of a lying cheat she was.
After 2 months her fountain of man money dried up and how demoted to a sales associate she didn’t have the money to spend on all her lavish nights out or designer clothing, she eventually moved up to another store for more hours and stole money from the till causing her to get fired.
A fitting end to a backstabbing ice queen I think.
I eventually left that job after half a year later to pursue my current job.
Check out how people reacted on Reddit.
One person said this sounds illegal.
One individual also thinks this story is FAKE.
One Reddit user said they should have stood up!
Wow, she was a nightmare…. is she were real.
If you liked that story, check out this video from a former Chipotle employee who reveals how the company cheats customers out of food.