
Intoxicated Driver Kept Running Over A Man’s Mailbox, So He Decided It Was Time To Get Even

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@anvesh1616

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the guy you’re gonna read about in this story had it coming…

No doubt about it!

And I think the dad in this story did the right thing!

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Intentionally unintentional revenge on a mail box vandal.

“This is my dad’s revenge, not mine and this happened last summer.

My parents live out on a lake just outside of town. Their property extends to both sides of the road, and their mail box is on the opposite side of the lake and the house.

It kept happening over and over again…

Over the 4 years they had lived at the property, a black SUV has knocked down their mail box 6 times (they catch the vehicle on the security camera on the gate but get no identifying info).

My dad would report it everytime, but not much could be done. It was knocked over by an intoxicated driver once as well, but he crashed a bit further down the road so that was the only time that my dad got reimbursed for the damage.

Dad decided to put his foot down.

Well after the seventh time it was knocked down, he had had enough. The land on the opposite side of the road dropped off steeply immediately after the shoulder, so my dad contracted some guys to build out a small gravel pad (15 feet long and 3 feet deep or so) so he could set his mail box back from the road. My dad told me that if someone tried to knock it down now, they would regret it.

Well about 4 months after the work was complete, my parents were awoken to a loud crash in the middle of the night. They called the police and went out to investigate. They found the black SUV off the road and having crashed into a very large tree.

The guy was taken to the hospital and was charged with a DUI from the crash as well as possession of drugs they found in the vehicle.

That’ll teach ’em!

By building out the gravel pad and moving the mail box back by just a few feet, it still appeared that the mailbox was on the shoulder, and still seemed like an easy target. In reality, those 3 feet made all the difference. Because the pad was so short, the vandal left the roadway before the pad started, and when the right side of his vehicle went off the shoulder, he car went veering down the steep incline.

The dude was pretty badly injured, and I know my dad felt bad about this. I think this was much more effective than he had in his mind.

My dad isn’t the kind of person to intentionally injure someone, so I am sure he was hoping to just cause damage to a vehicle and teach a lesson that way.”

Here’s what people had to say.

This person said they don’t need to feel bad about this.

Another individual shared how they think their dad should handle this.

This Reddit user said it’s not their dad’s fault.

One individual said they shouldn’t talk about what happened.

And this Reddit user talked about KARMA.

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