
Non-Traditional Family Blows Up When Girlfriend Claims She’s Pregnant By One Of The Dads

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Liza Summer

And you thought your family life at home was complicated.

Get a load of this one.

It’s a testament to people making life just work for the sake of children.

On one hand, it can’t help but seem messy, but on the other, you gotta applaud them for at least staying civil through the chaos of five kids!

This story is a winding road, and joins us at one of the forks.

AITA for not giving my possibly pregnant baby daddy’s gf his contact after she threatened to break apart my family

Current living situation: I(39f) live in a house with “Tom”(40m), Ben(43m) and our 5 children 12m, 11m (bio Tom and mine), 10f, 8f (bio Bens and his late wife “Anna”), 7f (bio Ben and mine0.

Ben and I work. Tom’s been a sahd since 11m was 2. He went back to school 4 years ago.

Ben and I cover all household expenses including any costs for Tom’s education.

Background: Tom and I met at a party when we were 19. We’ve been friends ever since. With benefits at times we were both single. While on a holiday together, emergency contraception wasn’t available and when I turned out to be pregnant we chose to keep that kid and moved in together.

We were never a couple but worked great as a family so we decided to have a second kid.

It forced a very strange living situation onto the lot of them, but seemed like it was working out just fine.

Anna was my childhood best friend.

She and Ben moved into the flat downstairs from ours when she was pregnant with 10f.

I loved having her close again after living in different cities for years. Sadly she passed away after a very complicated second labour.

Ben and I found solace in each other and I ended up pregnant.

I didn’t notice right away as my method of contraception should have been safe and I also blamed a lot of the symptoms on grief and guilt so when I found out there wasn’t really an alternative anymore.


Not really. All parties seemed to be good with it.

Tom was the first one I told.

He said he’d welcome another child into our family. Ben was shocked and really struggled to accept it but we kept in good contact through all of it.

We all started having dinner most nights after 7f was born (10f and 8f would already spend the day as Tom was their “nanny”).

Couple of years later my grandma moved onto retirement home and Tom and I decided to move to her house.

Ben asked if he could move in with us and we agreed. It’s maybe unusual but works for us.

And now… the problem…

Where I might be the AH: Tom been with “Bea” for the last 3 years.

There was some talk about him asking her to move in about a year ago but he never did.

Bea and I get along. Not best friends but I like spending time with her.

Then things get heated when Bea shows up.


She showed up unannounced 3 days ago and demanded to see Tom.

He’s currently on a skiing trip with Ben and the boys. I reminded her of that and then said I will tell him to contact her if there’s an emergency.

She then proceeds to tell me that she is pregnant with Tom’s child (highly unlikely) and that she already talked to his parents and they will buy them a house next to theirs so that they can live there as a family. And that they will be taking the boys with them.

That’s when I told her to leave which after some yelling and insults she did.

Now OP is getting a barrage of phone calls, and seems to be in quite the bind.

I’ve since been called multiple times by her, her best friend and Tom’s parents to try and get his contact but I’m still refusing to give it away.

They’ve been calling me an AH among other names for not letting him know that 1) Bea is pregnant. 2) he doesn’t need to be abused and exploited anymore.

Let’s see what folks had to say.

One person saw right through some confused people in the comments section.

Another commenter brought up a very valid question…

While one person thought this meeting could have just been an email.

Like an episode of Shameless going on!

Hope they can get it all sorted… but it doesn’t seem likely.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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