
Roommate’s Pregnant Girlfriend Wants Guy To Stop Eating His Favorite Foods, So He Tells Her To Stop Complaining Or Move Out

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels

Roommates can really make or break a living situation. You can have a luxury penthouse suite, but a crappy roommate can make it seem like the worst apartment in the world.

Common roommate disputes include not doing dishes, stealing food, or even hogging the bathroom. But add a pregnant girlfriend into the mix, and things really can get crazy!

This user learned that all too well when his formerly copacetic roommate got his girlfriend pregnant, leading to a disagreement that made the man threaten to kick his roommate out! 

Check it out!

AITA for telling my roommate that either his pregnant girlfriend stops whining or he moves out?

I (m28) live in an apartment that I got from my uncle. The apartment has two bedrooms so as I don’t need the extra space I rented the room.

My roommate (m24) has been living with me for a little over a year and half.

He’s been dating his girlfriend (f24 as well I believe?) For like five or so years, she lives in another house and has four roommates herself.

As her house is more crowded, my roommate asked me if it was okay if she stayed over sometimes, I agreed since i don’t really have a problem with it at all, as long as they’re respectful.

But when the roommate’s girlfriend found herself pregnant, things became complicated…

Well his girlfriend got pregnant, he told me and I was like “Oh, great, congratulations.”

He did try to bring up a conversation to see if I allowed her to move in with him/ us but I said no.

I work from home most of the time, I don’t want to deal with a third person or a newborn in the future.

He asked me if she could still come and stay some nights as before and I said that was fine.

She’s like four or so months along her pregnancy.

And soon three had turned into a little too much company in OP’s apartment.

Well, these last three months she has grown to be very annoying whenever she’s staying over.

What I mean is that I got woken up in the middle of the night/ early morning too many times because she’s running to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

I don’t use that bathroom (I have my own connected to my room) but my guests sometimes use it and they have said that it’s dirty and messy.

She’s staying over a lot more nights than she used to before.

When her morning sickness started, things got even more contentious!

And the biggest problem is that she has developed really bad nausea, even now she’s still having morning sickness which I believe must’ve stopped already?

We’ve had many issues regarding food, because my roommate and her asked me to stop having some foods that get her sick.

I told her that this is not her house, she has no right to come and expect me to change my diet because of her. They took that very badly.

I continued my life as normally, she always complains and runs to the bathroom when I cook, there have been a couple times when she has actually thrown up on the floor too.

OP had had more than enough, and gave his roommate an ultimatum.

I’m sick of it to be honest, so I told my roommate that either she stops coming over, she stops complaining or he moves out.

I would give him a month or two if he needs it to find somewhere else to live, but I’m tired of having his girlfriend over. She’s annoying me.

He of course got very upset and said that she wouldn’t annoy me so much if I was more understanding of her condition.

Said that they’re not in a comfortable position to move, that she’s sick and needs his support, and all of that.

Some of my friends/coworkers and family are on my side but some others said that I’m behaving like a total jerk and I could easily change my diet for a couple months. AITA?

Some grace would be expected for an expecting mother, but it his apartment, so asking him to change up his routine is a little rude!

Reddit was very much on OP’s side, and almost unanimously agreed that OP should get in touch with a lawyer!

Many said not being able to keep the bathroom clean did not bode well for her overall cleanliness with a newborn.

This user made the very salient point that she had a residence of her own, and had no reason to need to live in OP’s apartment.

And this formerly pregnant person couldn’t believe she would just throw up all over the floor!

And finally while this user acknowledged OP could definitely be a little more compassionate, he really owed the roommate’s girlfriend absolutely nothing.

While OP might lack a little compassion, I think the kicker of this story is that the girlfriend had an apartment of her own!

Go bother your own roommates and let OP eat his stinky foods in peace!

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