
Walkie Talkie Viral Video Reveals The Creepy Way Target Employees Fight Shoplifting

Target Thumb In Text e1707104918901 Walkie Talkie Viral Video Reveals The Creepy Way Target Employees Fight Shoplifting

Guys, I hate to say it but heist movies are so out. Ocean’s 11? Tired. Mission Impossible? Played out.

But you know what’s in? What’s taking the box office by storm?

Spying on workers walkie talkie conversation as they go about their shift! Its espionage at its highest level!

Luckily, TikTok user @mister_twister_55 is here to supply our fascination, with this video showing Target employees tracking a thief as she wanders through their store!

Check it out!

Our surveillance starts with a description of what the highly dangerous suspect has already managed to grab as she meanders through the store.

Her first score was some presumably scandalous “night time underwear”, and then she moved on to three rolls of wrapping paper and an unnamed “kitchen item”.

Obviously she has her sights set on some extremely high value items! One member even remarks “I don’t know where the f*** she got that from.”

But wait! Suddenly Mister Twister shows he had eyes on the suspect escaping out into the parking lot!

But he flashes back to before that, where Target keeps watching her like a hawk.

They clock that she has not only diapers, but is also in boys and girls clothes presumably to line her pockets!

And then the plot thickens! One employee reveals this is a repeat offender, and she has previous incidents recorded in Target’s system.

They even have her name, saying “Her last name is spelled with a V. Vern.”

Apparently Target employees can just look up there store and her name and see her entire rap sheet, so to speak!

This actually hits on an interesting but little known aspect of Target’s policy surrounding shoplifters.

You see, Target won’t immediately stop someone they know is shoplifting, and will actually let them continue to come back and take more merchandise.

But this doesn’t mean Target’s just giving them a pass.

They’re actually waiting until they steal enough items to cross the monetary value threshold to qualify for a felony shoplifting charge!

Unfortunately for this woman, that seems to be exactly what these employees are doing, because while they keep a close eye on her, they are careful not to let her see them.

“Gonna attempt to regain a visual, but I don’t wanna get close cause I know she already saw me in boys.”

Unfortunately for Shirley sticky fingers, it looks like Target is preparing to get her on more than a couple rolls of wrapping paper and lingerie!

I guess Target asset protection really can be just as intense as a blockbuster heist movie!

Check out the video:

TikTok was quick to wonder who their assigned Target security worker was!

And many thought back on times they had been inadvertently suspicious while shopping!

Others wondered how many of their embarrassing moments had been caught on camera.

Some people thought this all seemed a little intense for a suburban department store!

And others said with how much time people like to spend at Target, these people must have a lot on their plate!

Who knew all this was going on behind closed doors at our favorite stores?


Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.

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