
He Found Out His Buddy Is Having A Dry Wedding On New Year’s Eve, So He Told His Friends And A Bunch Cancelled Their RSVPs

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

Everyone has opinions when it comes to weddings. Supposedly, only the bride’s (and maybe the groom’s) really matter, but we see a lot of guests making demands on Reddit.

Booze is a big point of contention.

OP doesn’t like his friend’s fiance but is trying to be supportive.

My buddy (33M) is getting married to a girl that our friend group is not in love with. He loves her though so we support him. We have known for months this was a new years eve wedding.

I RSVP’d yes months ago with my wife. Several friends and I operated under the assumption that there would be booze at the wedding, especially considering it is on New Years Eve.

When he learned their New Year’s Eve wedding was dry, though, he backed out.

Well I found out yesterday that it is a dry wedding, turns out it is because of his Fiance and her family.

I asked my wife if she knew this and said no and was angry. I texted the groom buddy and asked. He confirmed this. I told him this is something you should have told us a long time ago.

I told him that Wife and I wouldn’t be going. We want to spend the night drinking.

And he took his friends with him.

I texted the rest of my friends about this and oh boy, the group chat went off. This led to several more people backing out. This is not how a bunch of us expected to spend New Years Eve.

Really the only ones that didn’t back out are the 4 members of our 12 person group that are in the wedding

The ones still going think OP was way out of line.

Groom buddy reached out to me and went off.

Pretty much he is now overspending on catering, he is having 20ish less guests show up than planned and this is all last minute.

I’ve been called an a—— among other things for “leading the charge” in people not going to the wedding.


The top comment says OP is wrong and it’s not even close.

This person says the groom probably just learned a whole bunch about his friends.

And this commenter says OP is way too old to be acting like this.

They’re stunned that OP actually thought he was right.

They say the groom needs better friends.

This reads super immature to me.

I’m sure they’ve got a bunch more New Year’s Eves in your future. Just get drunk then!

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