
Teacher Refuses To Do Something About A Lunch Thief, So Fourth Grader Gets Revenge By Filling His Tootsie Roll With Something Truly Gross

Tootsie Thumb In Text e1708638770798 Teacher Refuses To Do Something About A Lunch Thief, So Fourth Grader Gets Revenge By Filling His Tootsie Roll With Something Truly Gross

There is nothing more sacred to an elementary schooler than their school lunch.

I still remember trading my clementines for oreos to some sucker, or thinking all day about the rice krispy treat I had waiting for me.

But if you mess with a little kid’s lunch? Well then only God can help you!

A lunch thief learned that the hard way in this user’s childhood memory of getting sweet sweet revenge on a kid who stole the best part of his lunch everyday!

Check out this hilarious story!

Tootsie Roll

This happened many many moons ago. I can’t say it’s pro revenge. But for a 4th grader its epic.

We had a “homeroom” in school. The room you started your day in. The one where you kept your stuff, like school supplies and most importantly our lunch.

So beginning of the day we leave everything in the desk, which is where we were told to keep everything.

Class ends I pick up the needed school supplies and book for the next couple of classes plus P.E. A few classes later we go back to homeroom, where we have class then break for lunch.

But one day OP went to get his lunch, only to learn disaster had struck.

One day I went to get my lunch and 1/2 of it was gone. Pudding, and a few pieces of candy. I told my teacher that someone had stolen part of my lunch.

She assured me no one had taking my food. I explained that yes my food is missing. She still said no one took my food.

I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t comprehending what I was saying. She said lunch is about to begin and to go sit down before the bell rings.

I said I will but first I need you to understand someone has taken my lunch. Again she said I was mistaken.

I said I don’t understand why you can’t just investigate what happened. Now its getting real. She said its lunch time and I needed to go to the cafeteria.

I said why!? Someone ate my lunch!! I have nothing to eat.

And somehow, OP was the one who was threatened with disciplinary action!

She told me if I didn’t leave, she would take me to the principal’s office. I said great let’s go because I’m not leaving until you do something.

She said okay I’ll do something. But when I asked her what that was, she said she didn’t have time to deal with me, so I left.

The next day I was missing another treat from my lunch. Now understand I’m poor, that that meal is all that I have.

My mom and dad are pieces of crap on drugs. So I make my own lunch.Which tends to be a jelly sandwich if we have it. And candy from Halloween or something.

This particular week my brother and I scored on pudding. And I had yet to eat any because some little jerk absconded with my stuff.

But when OP went to the principal himself, his teacher was none too happy. Seems a little fishy to me…

So I went to the principal’s office during lunch time myself to file whatever grievance a 4th grader could do.

At least the principal heard what I had to say. Monday morning came and my teacher was pissed I went to the principal.

She scolds me in front of the other students saying I’m a tattletale. No one likes a narc lol. Not cool. I just sat there and said nothing.

And when his parents were no help, OP came up with his own revenge plan.

When I got home I told my mom and dad, whose solution was for me to take my lunch with me. Their idea sucked.

My idea was genius. I had a BIG Tootsie Roll like the size of an adult’s finger. They are sooo good, I hated to ruin it, but I had a great cause.

So I took my dads drill motor, put on a large size drill and bored out enough of the Tootsie Roll to load it up with 5W transmission fluid.

I capped it with the shavings that I bored out, wrapped it back up and my trap was set.

It looked great!! Tootsie Rolls are a little oily on the outside already because of heat and the make up of the candy itself.

And with his trap set, OP sat back and waited.

I was so proud of myself and the craftsmanship I used for this devious idea.

In the back of my head I kept thinking, who is doing this? My Teacher? She did hate me, as I was a smart kid but always did my stuff with an attitude.

I looked like a hippie: bell bottoms and ZZ Top T shirt. Not proper attire for rednecks in Oklahoma.

But I soon found out what period my food was being taken and by whom. It was this ginger kid, fat tub of lard who was related to, of all people, my teacher.

I was taken to the principal’s office. I’m thinking I’m getting an award for finding a thief.

But it turns out OP was the one getting in trouble!

Nope I’m getting yelled at. It took me a second to comprehend I WAS BEING REPRIMANDED!

I had enough of adults pushing me around making me feel like the bad guy. I explained to both of them that I didn’t give fat Ginger permission to eat my food.

Why is he sick? Did he eat something that wasn’t his?? Did anyone think that stealing someone’s food is wrong?

I said I hate to tell you but Ginger is going to die. I put cyanide in the food from rat poison.

He had already been taken to the nurse’s office. Principal and teacher started to freak out. I started laughing, and admitted it was only transmission fluid.

And in a surprising turn of events, OP’s Mom actually came in swinging for him!

They were going to paddle me. I explained that was never going to happen.

My mom and dad have to be present. So let’s get them here and see if they agree with me, the VICTIM, or you, who didn’t listen or do anything to protect me.

My mom might be a lot of things, but when it came to her kid being bullied she went off on them.

I was in the outer office hearing her go off on them. When she came out I asked her if I was the winner.

She said yes baby you showed them!! You’re the winner!!

Sounds like a revenge from a kid’s cartoon, but I’m sure that ginger kid never touched food that wasn’t his again.

And I still think that teacher was in on the scheme, she was acting a little too shady for my taste!

Reddit loved this story, with many people reminded of their own ways of thwarting food thieves.

This user’s culprit was actually her babysitter!

And this user said OP being a child made this a case of pro-revenge.

And finally, this “creative” commenter suggested some other genius ways to stop people from stealing your food.

Who knew a tootsie roll could be a weapon of sabotage?

What did we learn? Keep your hands to yourself!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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