
Woman Explains Why She Refused When A Man Offered Her $100,000 To Quit Her Job, And The Surprising Lesson She Learned From Him

Quit Thumb In Text e1709522140949 Woman Explains Why She Refused When A Man Offered Her $100,000 To Quit Her Job, And The Surprising Lesson She Learned From Him

There an endless stream of flashy ways men try to get a girl’s attention.

Top of the line sports cars, fancy dinners, maybe even an expensive bottle of champagne.

But this woman’s story blows most big gestures out of the water!

In a video on TikTok, user @makennapreystudios, tells the story of a time a man offered her a whopping $100,000 dollars to quit her job, and the surprising lesson she learned from the whole thing!

Check it out!

At the start of her video, Makenna says she has been debating telling this story, which happened two years ago, but she feels it has an important message that should be shared.

“I was living in Austin, working a job I absolutely hated. It was a Thursday night, and I was at Happy Hour with my coworkers downtown.”

At the happy hour she met a guy who she said was “obviously very interested”. But the next week, she received an absurd message from him on LinkedIn.

“He was messaging me on LinkedIn saying that he would give me $100,000 to quit my job because I expressed to him how much I hated it.”

While she originally thought the message was some sort of joke on his part, she quickly realized he was dead serious!

But despite this insane offer, she said they only ended up going on one date, and didn’t see each other again for a while after the dinner.

Despite that, he was still consistently asking her to go on trips with him and would send her videos of his adventures.

She ended up quitting her job, saying he was a huge catalyst in helping her gain the confidence to do what she wanted to do and believing in herself.

“Eventually I just said screw it and I went on a trip with him. We have a great time, then we end up dating for over a year.”

But she said crazy lifestyle isn’t what stuck with her, it was the extreme confidence he had in himself.

“He didn’t have any fear of failure, he had the utmost belief in himself. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, seeing somebody manifest all of their dreams come to life.”

She said her takeaway is “If you never stop working at what you want, and you have extreme belief in yourself that you’re going to succeed at it, then its like the law of attraction.”

And finally, she revealed the answer to the question that I’m sure was on all of our minds: “And no, I never accepted the hundred thousand dollars!”

Check out her unbelievable story for yourself.


moral of the story is have some insane self confidence & trust the process and youll be good! srry i talk slow listen on 2x lol 💋 #storytime

♬ original sound – makenna prey

TikTok was fascinated by her story, but not everyone thought his gesture was as innocent as Makenna.

Other people however, were wondering if he was still single!

Many questioned why Makenna wouldn’t have accepted the money.

And finally, this user asked for advice on a similar situation she was facing!

All I’m saying is, you could tell me to quit my job and offer me a $25 dollar Costco Gift Card and I might seriously consider it!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!

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