
She Wants To Renovate Her Grown Son’s Room To Accommodate A Grandchild, So He Says He Might As Well Not Ever Come Home Again

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

If you’re someone who grew up in the same childhood home, there’s a good chance you have an emotional attachment to the room that was “your” space for so many years.

That said, it’s your parents’ home, and not yours, and once you’ve grown up and moved out, they can do what they want with it.

This mom of three has two of her daughters still at home, and one of them is expecting.

I’m a 56 year old woman and I have three children, Brad (32), Emma (29), and Sophia (23). Brad lives about 4 hours away,

Emma just recently moved back home and Sophia still lives with my husband and I.

Emma was engaged and the relationship became abusive so we urged her to stay with us for a while for both safety reasons and financial reasons.

She is 32 weeks pregnant with her first child (our first grandchild ). She works hard but took a financial hit when her relationship ended and home prices are insanely high here.

Since her son no longer lives there, she suggested they use his old room as a nursery but keep a bed in there, too, so he’ll have somewhere to sleep when he visits.

We have a nice sized 4 bedroom home that we’ve owned since the kids were little. All three of our kids had their own bedrooms and Brad’s room is currently vacant except for the few times a year he visits.

Brad moved out about 3 years ago and did not at all take care of his room. I had to do a lengthy cleanup when he moved out and the room has been needing to be redone for quite a while.

I told Emma that I would happily help her renovate Brad’s room for the baby.

The baby will be sleeping in her room the first few months anyway but the nursery will give her a dedicated space to keep the baby’s things and for baby to sleep once the bassinet is outgrown.

My only caveat was that the room needs to have a bed for Brad’s visits.

When he comes home, he can either stay in his old room and the baby can be in a pack and play with Emma, or Emma can stay in the baby’s room and Brad can stay in hers.

It’s not ideal but it’s the best option for Emma at this time and we can make it work.

He pitched an absolute fit.

I was telling Brad about the plans to renovate his room into a nursery and he freaked out. He said I should have asked him, not told him.

He feels I’m trying to erase him from the family and that I’d rather have the baby than him.

He said he’s not going to visit anymore or come home for holidays because he won’t feel welcome.

He feels his sister was irresponsible to get pregnant and that she’s not owed his childhood bedroom for her child.

He feels it has sentimental value and I’m just getting rid of that without second thought.

She thinks she’s just doing the best with what she has.

I disagree with him wholeheartedly. I love all my kids (and my unborn grandchild) and I’m just trying to do right by all of them with the resources I have.

He comes home very few times a year (less than 10 nights per year) and to me it just doesn’t make sense to have a vacant room when we could really use that space for a baby.

AITA for just giving away his childhood bedroom?

What does Reddit think? Let’s find out!

The top comment wants to know if her son has always been so dramatic.

This person agrees there is no reason for his strong reaction.

After all, it’s her house, not his.

They hope she can focus on her grandchild.

The bottom line is that he doesn’t live there anymore.

This man is something else.

That room is not going to sit empty for 350 days a year, sir.

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