
Their Upstairs Neighbor’s Loud Behavior Finally Resulted In A Confrontation, But He Got So Upset He Started To Cry

Source: Reddit/Shutterstock

Neighbors can be a challenge, but if all parties try their best to be respectful, issues can usually be worked out.

When one neighbor doesn’t seem to be so keen on other people’s comfort, though, things can get ugly – and fast.

Let’s take a look…

AITA for Making My Upstairs Neighbor Cry?

I (32F) rent a condo in a small building that is almost all owners (not renters), about 12 units.

It’s the kind of building where everyone knows each other and most people are very friendly (stopping to chat when passing and such).

I am the youngest person in the building, most people are over 60, and some are very elderly ladies who live alone (this is important for later).

I do my best to look out for them, bring packages that are delivered to their door, and help with groceries.

While a majority of the neighbors are awesome, her upstairs neighbor has a litany of issues that make life worse for the people around him.

My neighbor above me, “Sam” (60?M) is a terrible neighbor. Everything he does is super loud, every step he takes makes my ENTIRE 1400 sqft condo shake.

It’s not just the floor or the way the building is built, because he rents out his second bedroom to a man, “Tim” who is much larger that Sam, and when Tim walk around I maybe hear the floor creak a little sometimes.

So Sam just stomps around.

I have tried to talk to Sam about it, and he will be better for a day then go right back to how he was before.

He and his gf (who just recently moved in) also were smoking pot and cigarettes in their bedroom and the smell was leaking into at least 4 units (including my own).

Despite others talking to them, they only stopped when the other owners contacted the property manager and he told Sam that he was going to start being fined if they didn’t quit it.

He doesn’t seem keen on changing, either.

Also, there have been several times that the elderly women have been accosted outside of the building by strange men trying to come in behind them to get to Sam’s unit because no one is answering their buzzer or their phone, even though Sam is home.

Now that it’s become a safety issue, the poster had enough and snapped.

So, I’ve gotten in the habit (since talking to them doesn’t work) of just turning my tv up louder when he is being loud.

The other day, I was watching a movie when Sam came and knocked on my door asking me to turn the tv down. I usually try and be a courteous neighbor so this was the first time he’s come to ask me this.

I kind of unloaded on him.

I didn’t yell, I just spoke calmly and firmly. I said, “I don’t want to hear any complaint’s from you.

Everything you do is loud. You talk loudly, you cough loudly, you pee loudly, every step you take makes my whole condo shake.

You were smoking cigarettes and pot that was leaking into not just my unit but several others as well. Not to mention the multiple women who have been accosted outside by strange men because you won’t answer your buzzer. We’re going to start calling the police when this happens.

How about you start being a good neighbor and a decent human being and then I’ll turn my tv down.”

The neighbor cried, and now they’re worried they went too far.

He actually started to tear up as I was talking. I just shut the door.

Did I take it too far? AITA?

Does Reddit think so? Let’s find out!

They think management should know about this, too.

This person says actions have consequences.

But this commenter thinks both sides might be behaving badly.

It’s an unwritten rule.

Sometimes there’s no nice way to say it.

Y’all, I can’t handle crocodile tears.

Don’t cry, just do better!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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