
Woman Shares Why You Shouldn’t Bring Many Popular Water Bottles With You When You Fly

Source: TikTok/@lifted_pdx

Going through the airport is infamously a hassle, primarily because of all the things you’re NOT allowed to bring with you.

Liquids, batteries, sharp objects… the list goes on and on, and it seems like every airport you go to has different rules and regulations about what you can have with you.

But as TikTok user @lifted_pdx reveals, we might have to start worrying about our water bottles too, especially if they have a straw built in to them!

Check it out!

Kat starts her video by giving us one more thing to worry about taking on an airplane: water bottles!

“Last week I went on a flight, and I brought this handy dandy water bottle with me.  It has a straw in it, it’s absolutely fantastic.”

But there was one little detail that Kat didn’t consider, and that was the air pressure in the cabin!

“When I opened it, it proceeded to explode like hose all over my row. The row in front of me, the row behind me, and the row across from me!”

The way I would have to open the emergency door and take my chances getting back down to land safely! I would be MORTIFIED.

“And because I was flying coach like 15 people got hit with my squirting water bottle, because luckily for me, this thing holds like 30 ounces!”

And with no other ideas, Kat tried to stop her out of control water bottle by plugging the straw with her finger.

But that quickly backfired on her!

“What I had to do was stick my finger down the hole and then press it down, and then it proceeded to spray me in the face.”

At least she tried to stop the spray of the thing, even if it did only make things worse!

Check out her story for yourself!


Never fly on a plane with a water bottle with a straw in it. #holidaytraveltips #travelmistakes

♬ original sound – Kat Darby Lifted Book Reviews

TikTok was laughing at her tragedy, with this user saying she’d rather sit with the crying baby than get doused!

And this commenter was quick to provide the solution, which was letting the pressure out of the bottle before using the straw.

And this user was actually the victim of a water bottle spray, saying it even woke her up!

Others said the flight attendants should warn against incidents like this in their pre-show routine!

Lesson learned.

Leave the hydroflask in your checked bag!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a couple who forgot to turn off their ice machine and returned home after 4 months to find their freezer had turn into a frozen cavern.

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