
Woman Warns People About Listening To Social Media Influencers After She Ended Up In The Hospital

tiktoklips Woman Warns People About Listening To Social Media Influencers After She Ended Up In The Hospital

Source: TikTok/@lutinii

Friends, I can’t believe I have to tell you this, but you shouldn’t be taking any life advice whatsoever from social media influencers.


But we live in a world today where influencers have huge audiences, so things like what you’re going to hear about are bound to happen.

A woman named Lutinii didn’t mention the social media influencer by name, but said, “Y’all better be careful about listening to those ‘health and wellness’ influencers, otherwise you might just end up in the hospital like I did. About six years ago I was following a well-known health and wellness creator.”

She said she listened to her tips and added, “one day when I stumbled upon one of her videos talking about how you could help your digestion by coating an orange with cinnamon and cayenne pepper and eating it. Peel and all. It was absolutely not pleasant going down, but I thought it was in the name of health. I thought I was doing the right thing for my body and it would thank me later.”

But things got bad in a hurry…

Lutinii said, “Wrong. I ended up so sick I had to go to the hospital and when the doctor asked if I’d eaten anything in the last 24 hours I let him know that I coated an orange in cinnamon and cayenne, peel and all, and ingested it.”

She continued,  “He looked at me and he said why would you do that? And you know what my answer was? I saw someone do it online. Yup, as soon as it came out of my mouth I was like I deserve this, like this is what I get. He said well now you might have burned your esophagus. So I had to see a specialist, I got an endoscopy and it turns out I did in fact burn my esophagus.”

Lutinii added, “This was years ago but I actually recently in the last year saw her repost this little hack and it just makes me upset because there are now hundreds of thousands of people looking to her for information.”

Lutinii said, “That is the route that I go in most of my life. But I think that it’s not one size fits all, and everyone has different bodies, everyone has different health histories, everyone has different genetics.”

She continued, “It’s dangerous to recommend something for someone and say that like this is the cure to your digestion issue. But it’s even more dangerous to believe everything you see. So while I do think it’s an influencer and a content creator’s responsibility to be mindful, I think we have even more responsibility to discern and to take everything you see with a grain of salt.”

The caption to her video reads, “A reminder not to believe everything you see on the internet in any and every case. Just because someone has a large following does not make them equipped to give advice to on anything. No one body is the same and there is no one size fits all!!!! Be careful out there”

Take a look at her video.


A reminder not to believe everything you see on the internet in any and every case. Just because someone has a large following does not make them equipped to give advice to on anything. No one body is the same and there is no one size fits all!!!! Be careful out there #chronicillness #storytime #healthandwellness

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey

Here’s how folks responded on TikTok.

One person knew it!

Another individual nailed it.

And this TikTok user made a good point.

Be careful out there, folks…

And only listen to professionals!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!

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