
Boyfriend Was Asked to Bring Cool Whip To A Cookout But Had to Settle For Generic. Now The Girlfriend’s Mom Is Judging Him.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yes, details are important, but in this case?

All I can say is that the reaction seems a little bit…unwarranted.

Now it’s your turn to check out this story from Reddit so you can see what you think.

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AITA for bringing a generic product vs. the name brand I was asked to bring?

“Last weekend, my girlfriend’s family hosted a BBQ.

I was always raised to never show up anywhere empty-handed, so I asked my girlfriend’s mom what I could bring. She asked that I grab the Cool Whip for a dessert she was making.

No problem!

Easy enough. I figured it won’t be hard to find, so, I decide to wait until the morning of to grab it on my way there.

Well, I get to the store about 20 minutes before the BBQ starts and they’re somehow out of the name brand. They did, however, have the store brand’s “whipped topping”. As I didn’t have time to go to another grocery store, I just bought the generic brand and headed off.

Uh oh…

Upon arrival, I hand the bag to my girlfriend’s mom. She opens it, looks inside and gets a weird look on her face. She asks where the Cool Whip is. I say the store was out, but this is pretty much the same thing, right? She looks a little irritated with me but just tells me to make myself at home.

As I’m putting my stuff down, I hear her asking her husband to run to the store and grab the Cool Whip. I can’t hear the entire conversation, but he must have asked didn’t I bring it because I then hear her say “I asked for one thing and he couldn’t even deliver”.

Nothing else was said directly to me, but there were a few passive-aggressive remarks throughout the BBQ. Such as when her husband arrived, name brand in hand, calling him her “hero”.

Give it a rest!

When the dessert was served, she again made a comment about how it’s made with “real Cool Whip”. I didn’t want to make a scene, so I took it on the chin.

When talking to my girlfriend about it later, she said that her mom was overdramatic but I should’ve called her to ask if generic was okay.

Or I could’ve gone to a different store. I asked if there was really a difference and she said she doesn’t know, but it was what I was asked to bring, so I should’ve communicated better.

Again, this all sound so stupid but…AITA?”

Take a look at what folks said on Reddit.

This individual said he’s NTA.

Another person agreed.

This Reddit user made a good point.

Another reader shared their thoughts.

This person thinks all of them SUCK.

All this fuss over Cool Whip…wow…

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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