
Bullies Got The Boss To Give Employee Fewer Smoke Breaks, But They Couldn’t Keep Up With The Work While She Was On Lunch

Source: Pexels/Reddit

Every bully is a coward.

They’re always looking for ways to put people down to feel better about their own insecurities.

The villains in this story are a perfect example, and their victim got her revenge simply by giving them what they asked for.

Keep reading to see the satisfying result.

Tell me I am taking “too many breaks” and my breaks need to be two 15 minute breaks, and 1 hour long break? Ok! Gotcha boss!

I was working as a temp for a company and the women in my area were so catty. They started picking on everything I did right from the start.

They found reasons to get me in trouble because my high performance was making them look bad.

I would run out at convenient times during my work day for a quick smoke and I would only take 1/2 hour for lunch just to eat.

They’re clearly inventing drama, but maybe they’re also bad at math.

They told my immediate supervisor that I was taking too many breaks.

My supervisor reminded me what the labor laws are: I get 2 15 minute breaks, and an hour for lunch. I always keep track of all breaks in a notepad (time out, time in).

I never came close to 1.5 hours of breaks before, including bathroom breaks. I told my immediate supervisor this, and he said “You need to follow the rules. Make use of your notepad”.

Be careful what you wish for, ladies!

There was never a good 15 minutes or an hour to leave the desk… there was always a call, always an emergency, always paperwork that needed to be done.

But, I started going for my breaks like a good girl.

2 breaks Exactly 15 minutes in length, and 1 60 minute lunch.

Lo and behold the other 2 started complaining because they couldn’t handle the pace of their job plus mine.

(I did it when they would go on breaks just fine).

I ended up leaving that job right before they lost their jobs.

Here’s what the commenters had to say.

Back in the day you could smoke at work.

It’s good to put everything on record.

Why are they like this? What does it accomplish?

It also shows your employer that you won’t let them take advantage of you.

I think it’s more about taking a break in general. Helps you recharge.

Rigid guidelines seem pretty bad for business.

When we people come to grips with that?

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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