
He Told His Girlfriend He Needed A Break, But Immediately Gets With Her Friend. So When He Wants To Get Back Together, She Gets Sweet Revenge On His Bottom Line.

Break Pock Thumb He Told His Girlfriend He Needed A Break, But Immediately Gets With Her Friend. So When He Wants To Get Back Together, She Gets Sweet Revenge On His Bottom Line.

“Breaks” in relationships have never quite made sense to me.

Maybe it’s because I watched Friends from an early age, and I saw how well the break worked for Ross and Rachel!

But even in general, how will being apart for a period of time help the pre-existing problems you have? Aren’t you gonna have the same problems in a month that you do right now?

But when this user’s boyfriend suggested a break, he immediately went to live with and date one of her friends, only to come crawling back to her months later!

Check out how she put him in his place!

How was your “break”? (a small revenge story)

I (48F) dated a guy (45M) for 2 years. We were serious about each other and in his words had no lies for each other and were each other’s number one person.

We got into a tiff about something minor. He decided he “needed a break” to focus on work.

So, fine, I have things to do also and we were together a lot so I could catch up on friends during the break.

Unfortunately, OP soon found out that the two of them had spent their “break” very differently!

A few months later I found out he had basically moved in the day he packed his stuff with one of my casual aquaintances about 50 miles away.

Not gonna lie, I was really hurt and very sad. A punch in the gut.

About 5 months later (apparently it didn’t work out) he wanted me back. He was traveling for work at the time and offered for me to come visit. I agreed.

But OP had a surprise waiting for this slimeball, one that would make her feelings toward him perfectly clear.

He sent me proof of plane ticket, paid my airport parking and bought tickets for us to a concert.

I never left home.  He had to eat the ticket, I got the parking money, and I assume he found some bimbo for the concert last minute.

I’m no one’s second choice. But darn was he mad. LMAO

Good for OP! When she said she agreed to his visit, I was seriously scared for a minute! But I’m glad she made this creep pay for how sleazily he acted towards her.

Reddit loved seeing OP give this idiot exactly what he deserved, and thought her final line was something out of a movie!

Others were reminded of a famous line from one of the most classic rom-coms of all time!

Finally, OP herself came in to explain what she did with the money her ex gave her!

To borrow the title of one of Aerosmith’s albums, “Get a grip!”

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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