
Son’s Bully Shows Up Uninvited To His Birthday Party, So Woman Tells Her Father That If She Wants To Stay, He’d Have To Cover Her Entrance Fee

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/VladaKarpovich

As a kid, there was nothing worse than being the one kid in the class who wasn’t invited to someone’s birthday party.

But if your kid is rude and nasty to the birthday boy, then it’s hard to feel bad when their invitation gets “lost in the mail.”

So when this user’s son didn’t want his bully invited to his birthday, she was shocked when the girl showed up anyway!

Was she wrong to politely tell the girl’s father she wasn’t invited? Decide for yourself!

AITA for telling a family they weren’t actually invited

So my son had his 10th birthday party at a jump place on Saturday. He wanted to invite 5 friends.

We sent the invites early enough, all went well. Until a few days before the party he said his friend wanted to invite a girl.

This girl is not very nice to my son so I told him no, let your friend know I said that wasn’t going to work so it wouldn’t look like my son was at fault.

Apparently this girl was bent on showing up, whether she was invited or not!

Lo and behold the day of the party the girl shows up with her dad and her 3 siblings.

The dad let me know he didn’t get the info till the day prior and all that was written on the ripped paper was the place and time.

I asked the girl who invited her and she told me the friend of my son.

I let the dad know they were welcome to hang with the party and have cake and pizza but he would have to pay for their entrance fee as they weren’t actually invited.

Once Dad realized he would have to pay, he was out of there!

He got his kids and left pretty fast. A few people think I was in the wrong – but that would’ve been an extra $100 I did not plan for.

The friend who invited her is in a separate class than my son this year. There was no gift or card. And the dad never seemed upset.

The invite had each child’s name on them, asked for an adult to come to watch said kid, my number, and let them know I would cover the child in the invite plus the adult.


OP is nicer than me. If your kid had been mean to mine, you wouldn’t have been offered the chance to stay, even if you did pay for yourself!

Reddit assured OP that she was well within her rights, and said she was nice for offering them cake and drinks anyway.

This user said that guests don’t get to invite their own friends to someone else’s party.

While this user thought that the boy’s parents definitely should have verified with OP before coming.

Finally, this commenter thought OP handled the family’s utter lack of manners with a lot of grace!

You need an invite to the party, no matter how old you are!

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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