
72-Year-Old Mom Doesn’t Want To Keep Waiting On Her 41-Year-Old Daughter Hand and Foot, But She Insists She’s Too Busy To Get Her Own Coffee

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pixabay/Surprising_SnapShots

As someone living with their parents as a young adult, let me be the first to say there’s nothing wrong with living with your parents as a young adult.

Right?… Right?!?

But even if you still live with your parents, that doesn’t mean you’ll have the same relationship you did as a child.

So when this user realized she was still waiting on her 41 year old daughter hand and foot, she wondered if she’d be in the wrong to ask her daughter not to wake her up to pick her up a coffee.

Should she give her daughter a wake up call, or is she just as at fault for enabling her daughter all these years?

Decide for yourself!

WIBTA for telling my daughter to stop being lazy and get her own coffee.

I love my daughter but at the age of 41 she is so lazy its unbelievable.

Some examples are:

She has delivery job which is nice but when she finishes I asks her to run into the store. She answers no I don’t feel like walking.

When we get home I make her food, She takes the food into the room and eats. When she comes down for a smoke I ask her bring her plate down.

And would anyone like to guess if the plate ever gets brought down? If you said no, you would be correct!

Then she says I forgot she goes back upstairs.

Then later she comes back downstairs for another cigarette With no plate.

I ask her to clean the toilets it takes her three months to do it.

But what really got under OP’s skin was her daughter’s demands for coffee every weekend.

She only drinks Tim Hortons coffee. Every Sunday and Monday when I’m off she wakes me up to get HER a coffee.

I already get my daughter a coffee three times every day.

But what annoys me is that she wakes me up on my days off to go to a restaurant called Tim Horton to get her a coffee.

I’m 72 and do everything for her.

I don’t think its ridiculous for me to tell her to get her own coffee and stop being lazy. WIBTA?

She’s making her 72 year old mother wake up every weekend to fetch her a coffee? Does she have even a shred of respect for herself, or her mother?

Reddit said that OP wouldn’t be in the wrong to refuse the coffee order, but wondered how she had let her daughter’s behavior get so bad in the first place.

This user said that the word “No.” should have been presented a LOT more in her daughter’s life.

This user took an alternative route, suggesting OP gently correct her daughter’s entitlement.

But this user was none so gentle, and said OP needed to give her daughter a wake up call, and a big one at that.

Cut that 41-year old umbilical cord sooner rather than later!

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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