
Annoying Neighbors Constantly Harrassed and Annoyed Her, So She Found A Way To Reclaim Her Peace At The Expense Of Theirs

Source: Pexels/Engin Akyurt, Reddit/Petty Revenge

Neighbors really make or break the home-owning experience.

This woman moved in across the street from truly insufferable neighbors.

The final straw came when they publicly shamed her on a Facebook group for no good reason, so she chimed in with a clever revenge plot.

Read on for the full story!

Annoying Neighbours and my petty revenge

Ever since I moved in a year ago, my neighbours have been nothing but annoying and rude to me.

Background: They used to live in my house and now live in the house directly next door. Our street is a row of semi-detached townhouses.

We share a wall, the front yard, and a front porch with a small divider. They sit on their front porch the majority of the year. Like morning to night, they’re always out there.

They’ve done a bunch of really annoying stuff, some outright rude, some I should have called bylaw on.

It’s not all harmless antics.

I have had to install a camera because of theft which I can’t say is them or not, but I strongly suspect them because of the items taken. Other neighbours don’t like them either I’ve found out as I’ve started to meet people.

The icing on the cake, as it were, was about two weeks ago.

She sets the scene.

I did some major spring cleaning on the weekend and it was now Monday. Garbage day is Tuesday at the crack of dawn. Except we’ve also had a skunk/coyote problem and all three bags don’t fit into my garbage canister. One has to stay out.

So I put the bags on my front porch late afternoon right by the steps so they are ready and I can bring them out the next morning at 6:45 am.

I leave to go grocery shopping. About 15 mins later at the store, I am getting texts from the other neighbours.

Then came the final straw.

She has taken a picture of my garbage on my porch and posted in the neighbourhood Facebook group about how I am young (lol I am 38) and lazy (occasionally fair) and this garbage has been smelling up her porch for weeks (20 mins) and that it’s now attracting rats so be careful at the park across the street.

99% of the comments to her post are trashing her saying that she shouldn’t air dirty laundry on Facebook and if it was a problem that she should call bylaw.

I reply nicely saying that I did spring cleaning. I didn’t want it ripped to shreds at the curb, but also didn’t want to miss the garbage man.

Most people in the group are reasonable.

Everybody understands. I actually made additional friends out of it.

However, I am fed up.

Her neighbors are starting to take a toll on her wellbeing.

I hate leaving my house or coming back to it, as they are always on the shared porch and have often harassed me before this public shaming already.

My kids don’t like them either and my daughter asks me to check if she’s there before she leaves to see her friends. I am sick of this place.

She first tries to call for help.

I call my landlord and he says that as they are two separate properties that he just happens to manage. He can’t do anything.

The rental market is absolutely insane and I would never be able to find something for the price I pay here and I can’t afford more.

So what can I do?

Then she reveals her brilliant idea.

This is going to sound super silly, but I am very happy with the results…

I bought a wind chime. Not a twinkly one, but a real bonger of a wind chime.

It’s windy all the time. I hung it as reasonably close to their side as possible without it ever crossing to their side. None of my other neighbours hang out on their front porches anyway so I am not bothering them.

It’s small. It’s petty. It makes me giggle every time I leave the house and hear it.

Let’s hope the new wind chime strikes a chord with her neighbors.

What did Reddit think?

This user has an idea that will really keep annoying neighbors away.

This redditor knows a thing or two about revenge.

What’s better than one loud wind chime? A cacophony of wind chimes.

Why not get the whole family in on it?

What are they gonna do? Call the cops about a wind chime? Well done.

That’s one way to bring harmony back to the neighborhood.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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