
Boss Demanded A Doctor’s Note Because They Needed To Miss Work, So They Complied And Ended Up Getting Paid A Bunch Of Money For Overtime Hours

Source: Reddit

Have we learned nothing from the Covid 19 pandemic?

If a worker even claims that they’re sick, just let them have time off so they can recover and not infect everyone else with whatever ailment they might have.

But this person’s manager sounds like they have some serious issues, so they had to take things into their own hands.

Take a look at what went down.

Manager threatens to write me up with salary deduction if I won’t give a doctor’s note, for asking my excess hours just because I am sick.

“So I (30F) has been working with this company for 3 years already.

I work on retail and our managers are always micromanaging and will write us up each time even just by breathing (jk) but you can tell that’s how they are up our nose all the time especially I was once written up for eating during my lunch break in our shop (that’s for another story).

Now on to the original story. My days off are scheduled every Thursday and I was already feeling ill days before my day off. I had waited until my day off to rest and hope I could feel better but when the end of my days off comes, I still feel sick so I informed my boss if I can use my excess hours and not come to work the next day since I am so sick.

Sounds reasonable…

Just for context, our company never pays for our overtime but expects us to work 12 hours of everyday and per day they will give us 2 hours excess and since I never requested until that particular day, I had racked up 120 excess hours overtime which can be used for dayoffs etc.

I had only requested 1 day extra off which would amount to 10 hours to be deducted from my long extra hours accumulated but my boss threatens to write me up if I don’t provide a doctor’s note and she informed me that even if I will provide one, she won’t deduct it to my hours.

So I comply and went to doctor and take a medical note and was given a 3 day recommended rest and sent it to my manager. Now she has no choice but to let me have additional 3 more days paid sick leave and I won’t be back to shop until Monday instead of just giving me a day to rest.

Sorry, I’m sleeping!

Now Saturday comes and the shop has a lot of issues without me and my reliever is having a hard time coping from work so my manager calls me and I didn’t respond to any of her messages nor calls and just rested well.

Monday came and I reported the company to Labour claims and the company was forced to pay me that 120 hours overtime.


Check out how folks reacted to this story.

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Another individual spoke up.

This reader shared a story.

One individual had a lot to say.

This person made a good point.

That worked out perfectly!

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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