
Brother Expects Single Brother And Widowed Mom To Share A Room, But He Refuses And Family Drama Ensues

Source: AITA/Reddit/Pexels/Pixabay

Family trips should be a time for bonding and relaxation, but sometimes, they highlight deeper issues.

One Reddit user found himself in the middle of a family conflict when his brother made some questionable rooming arrangements.

In the end, he had to make a tough decision to stand by his boundaries.

Let’s dive into the story…

AITA for refusing to go on a family trip because I feel that my boundaries were not being respected.

For context, I (M30) was invited to a family trip by my brother (M34), with my mom (F62), my uncle (M58) and two cousins (M30) and F(33).

Everyone mentioned in this trip has a significant other except for me and my mom who is a widower.

When planning the trip and picking the house my brother indicated that my mom and I would have to share a room.

I let them know that I am not comfortable with this for two reasons, one,

My mom is a 62 year old woman who deserves her own space and should not have to share with anyone, and two, I am a 30 year old adult man who should have his own room.

I even offered to pay the difference with regard to a bigger AirBnB.

Will things go to plan? Hmmm…

My brother and his wife then got all huffy and puffy saying they would share the room with my mom and that “you don’t need your own room, you’re single, and are being selfish” and offered to share the room with my mom and I would take theirs.

Now I don’t want to speak for my mom but she is too nice to stand up for herself in these contexts.

I have spoken to her and know how she feels, however, she just said that she is okay with that arrangement to make my brother happy.

The truth is, she told me that it makes her feel like an afterthought and that after losing my dad she feels like she is treated as less important or valuable, due to stuff like this. (This is not the first time my brother has tried to pull something like this).

How awful.

She told me it made her feel like he or anyone else in the family did not really care about her to even consider giving her her own space.

She was also upset that nobody else was asked to share the double room, (two queen beds).

For context she is my uncles older sibling, the oldest in my family, and feels like my cousins and uncle always treat her like less, and nobody else will be sharing a room (except their spouses or kids).

I just feel like we should all have our own rooms and they should all be equal.

I don’t want to have to share a room just because I am single, while my brother basically rolls out the red carpet to everyone else, (giving my cousin the master bedroom even though my brother is planning the trip) or force my mom to have to do the same thing.

Some people just don’t get it.

When I offered to just not come, since it would solve all the problems, they got all huffy and puffy again calling me dramatic and saying I am disrespecting the family.

So AITA here?

Wow, he offered to ditch the trip entirely to help, and still backlash.

Sometimes, standing up for what’s right means facing the unexpected, even from family.

Redditors had a lot to say about this family’s rooming drama.

This person thinks it’s brother’s fault and OP was super fair.

This person confirms his priorities are straight.

And this person has some sound advice.

When family trips turn into a battle of boundaries, it’s clear who respects you and who doesn’t.

Even if it’s hard to hear.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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