
Condo Residents Complained About Tenant Bringing Their Electric Scooter Inside Their Apartment, So They Took Up Even More Room In The Already Crowded Bike Lockup

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@myenergi

This is a good one, folks!

It’s a story that comes to us from Reddit’s “Malicious Compliance” page and we think it’s gonna put a big smile on your face.

Take a look at what happened!

Electric vehicles to be stored in parking garage.

“I moved into a condo building last month. It’s primarily owners that are 65+.

I have an electric standup scooter that’s of very high value.

I always bring it with me everywhere I go, and if a store says I can’t bring it in I leave and don’t give them my business.

I have been entering and exiting my apartment by the underground garage door.

One of the residents in the hallways complained to the superintendent, saying I’m not allowed to bring it inside my unit.

Oh, really?

The superintendent accosted me at my units door, and said until you get an accommodation from the board, you MUST store your electric vehicles in the bicycle lockup.

I have both a standing scooter and a motorcycle style e bike.

The latter is an exact copy of, and the same size as, a Kawasaki Ninja 300.

Not too big, but not tiny either.

I need underground storage in the winter due to the batteries.

Electric vehicles must be stored in the bike lockup?

K, my scooter and my motorcycle is parked inside the bike lockup 😊😁

“well that’s not what I meant”

BE CLEAR when you choose your words.

I’m just doing what you told me to do.”

Check out what folks said about this story on Reddit.

This person shared their thoughts.

Another individual spoke up.

This reader thinks this is their problem.

Another individual chimed in.

And this reader made a good point.

The fight continues!

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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