
Construction Crew Blocked His Driveway And They Couldn’t Understand Him When He Asked Them To Move, So He Called The Police

Source: Pexels/Tranmautritam

Having construction performed near your house is annoying, but it is necessary for keeping things working properly.

So what happens if the work being done is blocking the driveway so you can’t get to work? That’s what happened in this story.

Let’s take a look and see what happens.

AITA? Company digging in my yard to place fiber optics for the city blocked my driveway so I called the cops

This morning I was woken up by the noise of someone digging up my front yard and the yards of the rest of my street (Found out later that the city is putting in fiber optic internet cables so I guess thats a plus).

Well, that’s annoying.

We never received any notice that this was going to happen.

No letter in the mail, no flyer taped to the door, nothing.

That alone annoys me, but I can move past it.

To get away from all the noise and annoyance I took my wife out on her lunch break (she works from home).

We were gone maybe 45 minutes. When we got back, they had a large machine parked in my driveway right where my car was, also blocking in my other car.

I parked on the street and went to ask when they would move the machine.

Oh great, communication is going to be a problem.

I wanted to be understanding and let it go if it was only going to be for a minute, but none of the 20+ workers spoke English.

Couldn’t get them to understand my question, but I think they understood I wanted that machine moved as they moved it a few minutes later.

I am fairly annoyed by now but I tried to let it go, until about an hour later I watched as they parked a truck with a trailer in front of my driveway.

There was more than enough room on either side of my driveway to park this truck.

I feel like they did this in retaliation to my complaint.

I needed to go to work in about 45 minutes. I knew I could not talk to the workers since we didn’t speak the same language.

I tried calling the city to see what the company was, but noon answered.

I mean, what choice did he have?

So, I called the police non emergency line to ask what I should do.

They sent an officer who spoke Spanish and had them move the truck (officer is the one who told me it was for fiber optic cables).

The workers are now noticeably angry and keep staring at my house and talking.

I have no idea about what, but the tone is not a happy one.

I don’t think I was wrong I calling the cops, but I wanted another opinion.

When I did approach the workers, before I knew of the language barrier, I tried to be polite and calm.

I can’t blame him!

I ended up just calling into work and switching my shift as this ordeal had put me in a foul mood and gave me a headache.


What an annoying situation, the workers should have known better.

Let’s see what the commenters had to say.

Yeah, I think the workers just didn’t want to be inconvenienced.

Kudos to the police for handling it well.

Exactly, what else could he do?

Yeah, a little heads up would have been nice.

This comment sums it up quickly.

Those guys definitely needed a translator.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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