
Couple Faced Harassment After Moving To A Rough Neighborhood, So They Called In Reinforcements To Scare Their Crazy Neighbors

Source: Pexels/Pixabay, Reddit/Malicious Compliance

When a couple moved to an apartment on the wrong side of the tracks, they faced constant threats from their neighbors.

But little did these neighbors know, they had some well-connected friends that might make them think twice about their actions.

Find out who these friends were and what they did next!

You want me to invite my friends over so you can intimidate them? Well, okay!

So a few years ago, my wife and I had to move to a seedy little apartment in a bad part of town because we were poor. The neighbors were… interesting. Lots of drugs, lots of parties. Which wasn’t too awful I guess, but they also were violent.

There were fights every night. A week after we moved in, some tenants went to jail because they stabbed a few people, I guess?

Now normally, my wife and I just kept our heads down and minded our own business, but it turns out the next door neighbor really, really didn’t like us.

He made his point loud and clear.

He’d move his car into our parking spot when we left for the day, liked to stand on our stoop and block our way to our own door, and occasionally pounded on the paper-thin walls between our apartments and shouted things like “Yeah I’m loud, what the **** are you going to do about it?! What the **** are you going to do about it?!”

Living with such an intrusive and unstable neighbor was NOT fun, especially considering my wife was pregnant and we didn’t really feel safe.

They tried to reach out for help.

The landlord was not helpful in the slightest, so we began actively looking for a new place, planning on breaking our lease if we had to.

One day the crazy neighbor was hanging out just outside our door with a bunch of shady looking people. I tried to politely make my way through to get to my door but they butted me aside. “My crew will **** you up! We will **** you UP!” Says crazy neighbor.

So he starts making threats of his own.

I get ticked and tell him, in so many words, that he wouldn’t be so intrusive and threatening if he knew who I hung out with. “Yeah, you call up your friends! You call them right up! My crew will **** them up!” he shouts at me. I eventually make it into my apartment, where I stew in anger about the whole situation.

Now, normally I would just ignore this guy, but he was clearly escalating his behavior. And I, being a gentleman, decided to take him up on his offer of having some friends over for a friendly time of joy and fellowship.

He has friends in some high places that may be able to help.

Did I mention that my dad, my uncle, and two of my cousins were patrol officers with the sheriff’s department?

I hadn’t talked to them about my neighbor situation, because I didn’t want my tires to get slashed, but I figured now was as good a time as any to let the crazy apartment complex know that maybe, just maybe, they should find someone else to mess with.

I called my dad up and explained my neighbor’s behavior, and said I wasn’t interested in any kind of formal police stuff just yet, but wouldn’t you know, he wants all my friends to come over! We could have a grand old time. My dad laughed and said he would see what he could arrange.

I should note here that me and crazy neighbor had our own side entrances on the right side of the building, while everyone else had units inside the actual building. So if I were to, say, have some friends over in the parking lot, we would be right outside crazy neighbor’s door.

They get the party started right outside the crazy neighbor’s front door!

Well, four or five days later, I had my friends over! About a dozen uniformed police officers, mostly sheriff deputies but a couple of state troopers as well. We had a big barbecue right in the parking lot, eating steaks and having a grand old time.

We had a few laughs at my neighbor’s expense, as he kept pulling his curtain aside and peeking out his window, but was clearly not interested in coming out.

I got the courage to knock on crazy neighbor’s door after a couple of beers and said “Hey, my friends are over! Didn’t you want to screw up my friends? You and your crew? Here they are!” Mysteriously, he did not come to his door.

The other neighbors are definitely taking notice too.

There were usually tenants out walking around or visiting each other throughout the day, but not this day. Dead silence around the whole apartment complex.

The next day, my fears of revealing my friendly ties to the local police were realized, as I went out to go to work and found that my car’s tires had been slashed to pieces.

This time, I did the proper thing and made a police report, which my uncle personally responded to, going to crazy neighbor’s door and asking if he “saw anything.”

Maybe it’s time to cut their losses.

Two weeks later, my wife and I moved into my parent’s basement, as my dad had decided that he did not want me living in that complex. I don’t think I ever told him where exactly I lived before the barbecue, and he was probably freaked out to realize that it was a shady place with a high call volume.

My wife and I were able to find a much nicer place of our own before my son was born 🙂

I saw crazy neighbor’s mugshot in the paper a couple of months later. Turns out he had been trying to cook drugs on his stove and started a little fire.

They may have to get a new set of tires, but at least they got out of there before it was too late!

What did the good people of Reddit have to say about this story?

This user agrees he made a worthwhile sacrifice.

The party’s not over yet!

Maybe the neighbors would have shown their true colors in a different scenario.

This user questions the logic of it all.

Seeing the mugshot in the paper was the perfect reminder they got out just in time!

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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