
Coworkers Went To A Pool And Somebody Made A Rude Comment About Her Body, So She Stood Up For Herself And Things Got Awkward

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Armin Rimoldi

Having a nice body requires hard work. You have to be dedicated and disciplined enough to exercise and eat right.

So, how would you react if someone said you only have a nice body because you’ve never had children? Would you laugh it off? Or would you try to defend yourself?

In today’s story, a woman tries to defend her body and her comments are taken the wrong way. Let’s take a look.

AITA for saying my body is not just a result of having had no children?

I (F26) went to the pool with some female colleagues from work today.

We know each other pretty well, but only ever see each other in scrubs at the hospital.

Most of my colleagues are a few years older than I am and some have kids.

We were all wearing bikinis and having a nice time so far. Then out of the blue one colleague complimented me on my body.

It was a genuine nice compliment and I blushed and said thank you.

I am pretty fit, I have a dog I walk daily and I am a dancer and used to dance 7 days a week. Ever since I’ve been working I dance less though.

Here’s where things took an ugly turn.

While my body doesn’t look as nice as it used to back then, I still am lean and I suppose pretty muscular, especially the legs.

After the compliment, another colleague with kids said that of course I have a nice body, I don’t have kids.

Some others then chimed in and said how easy it all was before kids and how easy I have it and my body is nothing special.

I didn’t say anything because I am pretty uncomfortable with body talk in general.

But at some point it became a bit much and I said that I don’t think my body is just from not having had kids but that I also work out a lot.

I also said not having had kids doesn’t equal a “good” body and having had kids doesn’t equal a “bad” body.

But comments can be taken the wrong way.

The colleagues then exploded on me and said how I belittle parenthood and downplay pregnancy and I should just wait until I have kids and “those legs are gonna disappear quickly.”

I said nothing to that and the rest of the outing passed rather awkwardly.


Yikes! Sometimes, it’s best to agree to disagree.

Let’s see what the fine folks over at Reddit had to say.

This person completely understands.

Here is someone who really empathizes with her.

This person can’t believe people sit around talking about each other’s bodies.

This commenter thinks she had every right to stand up for herself.

She should be proud of her body. Period.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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