
Creepy Neighbor Won’t Stop Spying On Her While She’s In Her Bedroom, So She Decided to Teach Him A Very Wet Lesson

Source: Reddit

There’s nothing like LITERALLY throwing cold water on a person who’s getting on your nerves to get them to see the error of their ways.

It’s great!

And it’s not done nearly enough, in my humble opinion.

But this teenager did it and now she wants to know if she took things too far.

Read on and see what you think.

AITA for spraying water on my creepy neighbor?

“I’m 16F. I have a 12M brother.

The creepy guy next door is a grade above my brother at his school. Neither of us talk to him.

He’s a creeper.

The fence separating our house has several small holes. He uses the holes to spy on me.

I have caught him a few times spying on me in my bedroom.

She tried to put an end to this situation.

I have told my parents about that and they have talked to the neighbors.

The creepy guy doesn’t admit to spying on us and nothing ever happens.

I was in the backyard with my brother yesterday and I noticed him spying on me through one of the fence holes again.

Here it comes!

I whispered to my brother to turn on the water supply to the hose when I get to the mouth of the hose that is next to the fence separating us.

He did and I aimed it over the fence to where the creepy guy is supposed to be. I heard him scream.

His mom came over and knocked on our door. Our parents weren’t home yet.

I told her that his son has been creeping on me again and since his parents won’t deal out the punishment, we will.

She told us to that was super mean of us, but said her kid won’t be allowed in the backyard anymore.

We thanked her for finally putting an end to this.

His mom came over later and told our parents what happened.

Our parents yelled at us for spraying water on the creepy neighbor.”

Here’s what people had to say on Reddit.

This person said she’s NTA.

Another individual didn’t hold back.

One reader chimed in.

Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.

And this person said she’s NTA.

He had it coming!

Take that!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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