
Dad Spent Hours To Perfect Their New TV’s Picture Settings And Told His Daughter Not To Mess It Up, But She Insisted That She Be Able To Change The Settings

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

I get it. Sometimes, it’s annoying to constantly change the TV’s settings every time you want to use it.

But if your preferred settings are different from the preference of another family member, how would you deal with it?

Read the story below and find out why OP’s wife and daughter think he’s being petty.

AITA for telling my daughter to leave the TV settings alone?

I (43m) got some fancy TV with like 8 gazillion settings on it.

It took me like 5 hours to set this thing up, between Samsung online, all my streaming services, address verification crap, and like 8 other weird things that no one should have to deal with just to watch TV.

OP thinks his TV’s settings are confusing.

So, I’ve been noticing that the picture seems to keep getting darker and darker until the screen is nearly invisible in the daytime.

I am generally pretty good at electronics, mechanics, and all that kinda stuff. I’m the guy people call when they need tech support.

But this damn TV is ludicrously convoluted in the amount of menus it has.

I swear there’s multiple menus that deal with picture quality.

Finally, he was able to fix the picture setting.

After messing around in the menus for like a week, I say screw it, and reset the TV back to factory.

Another 3 hours to set it up this time, my picture is back to perfect.

However, he saw his daughter tinkering with it.

2 days ago, I’m walking through the living room, and I see my daughter (17f) diving into the picture menus.

I ask her if she has been changing the settings, and she says yes, because she feels the TV is too bright when she’s watching it at night with all the lights off.

I ask her to not change the settings, and explain the issues I’ve been having with it.

The daughter wanted them to share the settings instead.

She asks if we can “share” the settings, by way of me turning it up when I want, and she can turn it down when she wants.

The last thing I want to do is mess around with the picture menus every time I turn on the TV, so I ask her to just leave the settings alone, or watch the TV with a light on, so it’s not as blaringly light.

She melts down at this point, “Why can’t we share it? I don’t like having the light on at night. You’re being greedy and acting like a dictator.”

Now, the wife thinks he’s being stubborn.

My wife apparently agrees with her and told me I’m being too obstinate.

I truly did not think I was being out of line for telling my daughter that I really don’t want her messing with the settings, because I don’t want to go through the whole setup crap again if she messes it up and can’t fix it.

AITA here?

Let’s see what other people say about this story.

Uh oh! Is this user correct?

Yup, this makes sense.

This user says compromise is key.

Sharing is caring, says this one.

Finally, this user thinks OP’s complaint is hilarious.

It’s just a TV, dude. Learn to share and compromise with your daughter.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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